Coronavirus To Blame For 34% Increase In U.S. Divorce Rate

WEB Notes: We all knew, the “unintended” consequences of COVID-19 would be worse than the virus itself. As roughly 8 months have now transpired, that is a fact.

COVID did not cause these people to divorce, it did not cause higher murder, rape, and domestic violence numbers either. Your government did that by illegally locking society down. Never, ever forget that.

For the Christian family, you hang tough. When you got married no one promised you the sweet smell of roses every day. Life is tough, marriage can be tough, do your part as we have been instructed, (Matt 19:9, Rom 7:2).

The coronavirus pandemic has dealt a serious blow to marriages in the US amid a 34 per cent increase in sales for divorce agreements and revelations that it took just three weeks under quarantine for relationships to crumble, according to a survey.

The outbreak of the coronavirus in January and implementation of lockdown orders in March forced couples to manage a plethora of new challenges.

The combination of quarantine life, wavering finances, mounting unemployment rates, illnesses, deaths of loved ones, mental illness and child care has led Americans lawyers to predict a record number of divorce filings. 

Source: Daily Mail

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