DHS: Domestic Extremism ‘Greatest’ Terror Threat

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said domestic extremism is the “greatest” terror-related threat to the country. Not some terrorist group from the Middle East, rather certain Americans are the threat these days. For the youngsters, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was founded after the 9/11 terror attack.

The DHS was supposed to “protect” us from foreign enemies. I think many of us know, that was just a ruse for more government control that could discriminate in order to drive an agenda.

Mayorkas elaborated,

We are very focused on domestic violent extremism. It is the greatest threat, terrorist-related threat, that we face in our homeland. We are very focused on it. We’ve done a tremendous amount already. We have plans to do more.


So if you do not bend to the government’s will, then you are considered a domestic terrorist. If you hold Christian and conservative ideals, you are the enemy, especially if you are Caucasian.

This all ties into the MIAC Report from 2009. In that government document, it discusses various “movements”.

The ironic part, is these “movements” supposedly stand in the way of an overbearing government. Yet, none of these movements surfaced in light of… Overbearing government.

Go figure.

Further, we have had a southern border crisis for decades now. Yet, that has never been considered a “threat to the homeland”.

Domestic Violent Extremism Poses Heightened Threat in 2021

According to a declassified report by the Department of Homeland Security,

Domestic violent extremists (DVEs) who are motivated by a range of ideologies and galvanized by recent political and societal events in the United States pose an elevated threat to the Homeland in 2021.

If you disagree with illegal COVID-19 lockdowns or have doubts over the integrity of any U.S. Election. You are the criminal here. That’s what the rest of the paragraph says. That is thought control.

We have to cover more of this document.

Enduring DVE motivations pertaining to biases against minority populations and perceived government overreach will almost certainly continue to drive DVE radicalization and mobilization to violence. 

IE: The white man is the enemy here.

The government is nuts. Look, racism will always exist in some fashion, there are rotten apples in the world. However, the majority of people are not that way and certainly not to the level to harm someone over their race. It’s not only white people who are capable of that. This is ridiculous.

Look at this next line.

Racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and militia violent extremists (MVEs) present the most lethal DVE threats, with RMVEs most likely to conduct mass-casualty attacks against civilians and MVEs typically targeting law enforcement and government personnel and facilities.

Are they kidding?

Whitey in the woods is going to do all this?

Someone, please show me where whitey in the woods has done this in the past. I tell you what. If you want to see extremism, just head on over to Portland, Oregon. The ANTIFA boys are at it again. Burning courthouses, breaking windows, and causing general mayhem.

They are not Christians. Instead, they are various races, and they are causing REAL damage to government property.

That is just a fact of life.

Meanwhile, the DHS wants to tell you about their “most likely” scenarios.

It continues,

The IC assesses that US RMVEs who promote the superiority of the white race…

There we go again.

White Man = Bad Man.

Now isn’t that racist?

Isn’t that stereotyping?

I think I am offended. Quick, someone get me a phone. I’m calling 1-800-LAW-YERR.

Seriously people.

I mean how would Americans react if this paper targeted any other race?

DVEs exploit… social media platforms, smaller websites… recruit new adherents, plan and rally support for inperson actions, and disseminate materials that contribute to radicalization and mobilization to violence.

They must be talking about the radical leftist who destroyed city after city during the summer of 2020. But then again, if that was the case, the government would have arrested and stopped those people from causing violence, murder, and mayhem.

So we can only conclude then, that some violence, murder, and mayhem is acceptable to the government.

Several factors could increase the likelihood or lethality of DVE attacks in 2021 and beyond… Growing perceptions of government overreach related to legal or policy changes and disruptions.

That is thought control.

The government is telling everyone, if someone rejects illegal and “overreaching” government. They are an enemy of the state.

DVE lone offenders will continue to pose significant detection and disruption challenges because of their capacity for independent radicalization to violence, ability to mobilize discretely, and access to firearms

Lone wolf + Firearms = Removing firearm rights from the American people, regardless of your race. This is just an excuse to do it.

I have been hearing about lone wolfers for as long as I have been hearing about Iran’s nuclear bombs. None of them have materialized. I tell you what has though, murders in Chicago and other big cities.

In fact, there were an average of 64 murders a month in Chicago in 2020, up 50% from 2019.

Why are we not concerned about that?

It primarily occurs in black communities that supposedly the government wants to help.

If the government really cared about AMERICANS, then they would work together to stop such crimes that really happen. Not be focused on whitey who is “likely”, “could”, “may”, “almost”, woulda, coulda, shoulda wants to harm you.

Give me a break.

Folks, it should be plain as day here. Our own Federal Government continues to hatch a war against their own people. You should know, the United States actually launched the war in Syria under that guise. Now they are doing it themselves in a sense.

I cannot stress enough how this whole report we are covering ties into the 2009 MIAC Report. As we can see, this new unclassified document is not much different. It follows the same narrative.

Don’t think just because your skin color is darker than mine, that makes you safe. The government is using race to divide the people. Jesus told us about that, (Mark 3:25).

When you remove race from it, you can see this is an ideological war against the people. Make no mistake about it, if you fall under any of these categories here, you are the enemy as well. Meanwhile, real crime and real criminals are not apprehended or even looked at by the Federal Government.

I am talking about Portland and the riots around the country last year.

What we have covered here is extremely dangerous to the American people, and our way of life.

The image below is from the same government document. Here is where you will learn that pro-lifers are now being considered domestic terrorists as well. They pretty much cover everyone, except the “protected classes”.

Tracking Domestic Extremists

The government is now talking about tracking domestic extremists.

The discussions are part of the Biden administration’s strategy of treating domestic terror as a national security threat, and not just a law enforcement problem. They’re also part of broader conversations in government about how to use tools developed for the Global War on Terror to combat domestic extremism.


So you see, the tools of the global war on terrorism will be used against those who do not agree with the government. It really is that simple. Our own government is promoting an ideology that is anti-American, and globalist in nature.

Since I am a big believer in reducing government spending…

Hey DHS… You can save the American people a lot of tax dollars by just reading our blog. I pretty much blab about everything right here on this super-secret website, kept super-secret from the world. When you run a background check on our readers, you will be disappointed. They consist of people from all over the world and every race under the sun. Sorry, it’s not a whitey only club.

Folks, when the government becomes the enemy of the people, there is a major, major problem.

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