Florida Gov. To Ban Vaccine Passports, Sue CDC For Travel Restrictions

It looks like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is using some common sense, and he is probably gearing up for a Presidential run. It’s worth noting, Florida has been open for a very long time now. You may recall our friend’s travel experiance. I am extremely excited to see a Governor rejecting “vaccine passports”.

Florida businesses soon won’t be able to screen customers based on whether they’ve received the COVID-19 vaccine, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday, even as he signed a bill designed to shield companies from pandemic-related lawsuits.

Orlando Sentinel

DeSantis called vaccine passports, “completely unacceptable”.

DeSantis said allowing major corporations to have access to vaccination information was like having “the fox [guarding] the henhouse,” citing privacy concerns.

That is certainly one problem.

Granting more corporations access to your health information is a bad move. In addition, these days it seems what becomes socially acceptable to some, is picked up by many. Forcing people to have a vaccine passport to go to the store, get a haircut, or go to a fun land is absurd.

That is not America, that is more like Revelation 13:17, and I want no part of anything even remotely resembling it until its time.

It gets better…

DeSantis Threatens To Sue CDC Over Travel Restrictions

Florida is a major hub for cruise ships, and we know last year under the Trump Administration, everything came to a screeching halt. That means, as of today, the Federal Government still has the cruise industry under wraps.

DeSantis met with Republican Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody and executives from Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Disney and Norweigan cruise lines to advocate for the lifting of the CDC’s No-Sail Order, which was implemented in March 2020, Axios reported. The cruise industry brings billions of dollars into Florida each year, with millions of passengers passing through Miami, Port Canaveral and Port Everglades.

Daily Caller

That means without cruises, there will be less jobs and more dependency on the government.

You know, I was pretty disappointed to see the Daily Caller call cruise ships “super spreaders”.

Maybe they mean “super spreaders” like the Diamond Princess cruise ship. You know, the one from the very beginning of the planned COVID-19 pandemic. The one with mostly retired folks on it. The same “super spreader” COVID cruise that only managed to kill 1% of those infected. Those who are more susceptible to the virus than anyone else!

Get out of here!

Hey Daily Caller, so Walmart and Costco are not “super spreaders”. Come on people, start using the brain the good Lord gave you. For Heaven’s sake. The writer probably lives in the same bunker as Biden.

Let me remind everyone.

South Dakota never shut down, and they also hosted “Sturgis” which featured hundreds of thousands of bikers. The mainstream media made a big deal out of it months ago and then it fizzled out.

You know why?

The bikers were fine!

Florida has been open and all is well. Texas has been open for weeks now and their COVID-19 numbers continue to decline. Anyone pushing for vaccine passports and more lockdowns is an enemy of the American People.

Let’s call it like it is, cause I have had enough of this bull you know what.

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