Fed Says Negative Interest Rates Needed

Do you see the level of psychological warfare going on? For years other nations were told in order to bring their economy back from the brink, they needed to implement negative rates. Many of them did, and they are still bankrupt, only the people have less money in their bank accounts.

In the U.S., we were told negative rates would never come here as if we are somehow immune.

Recently the Fed Chief said it is doubtful negative rates would be needed to revive the economy. That right there tells you, they will need negative rates. We are simply being conditioned to the idea. The more you talk about something, the more it becomes acceptable.

Negative Rates Might Be Needed

Now a Fed official said in order to bring the economy back, the U.S. will need to implement an aggressive policy…

“Aggressive policy means that the U.S. will need to consider negative interest rates and aggressive government spending, such as spending on infrastructure.”

St. Louis Fed Economist Yi Wen, CNBC

What that translates to is more financial ruin. I know, the mainstream media will not tell you that. They will explain, yes, we need more spending and negative rates to bring everything back. Even the President wants negative rates which will bite the American at some point.

Our government and mainstream media will say,

It is better to feel a little more financial pain than a total collapse.

They will sell you the idea of more stimulus and negative rates as a solution to the spending problem, the debt problem we already have.

Illusion Of Wealth

The only thing more government spending will do is destroy whatever is left of our fragile system. It is yet another trap. None of the spending has helped, it simply created the illusion of wealth.

As I explained to a stranger around a campfire weeks ago when he said Trump has done a great job with the economy…

I politely said, you know, I keep hearing that, yet he has increased spending to record levels bailing out institutions and banks. It creates the illusion of wealth.

I put it to him this way.

If you went out and bought the best pickup you could get, house, RV, and boat. To your neighbors, they would think you are loaded! In reality, you are in debt up to your eyeballs and probably unable to pay for it.

That did it, it sunk in and he understood.

Slowly but surely the globalist plan is being implemented for our world. Can you see it, it is all around you in every single news article you read.

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