Globalist Agenda To Regulate What Is ‘Created, Seen, And Shared Online‘

The World Economic Forum has launched yet another new initiative, this one is called the Global Coalition for Digital Safety. It’s aimed to protect everyone from “misinformation” in the online realm.

We are going to cover some of the details from their article, “Why we need a global framework to regulate harm online”.

Their first bullet point really dials in the conversation.

  • Digital platforms used by billions of people around the world are being misused to cause harm and endanger people.

Forget the fact that governments overreacted to COVID. This caused unprecedented damage to our mental state and irreparable harm to our way of life.

Their first paragraph reads,

The pandemic highlighted the importance of online safety, as many aspects of our lives, including work, education, and entertainment became fully virtual. With more than 4.7 billion internet users globally, decisions about what content people should be able to create, see, and share online had (and continues to have) significant implications for people across the world.

That is one of the most bold statements I have ever read.

They are flat out stating, content should be regulated, and only approved content should be created, seen, and shared online.

From the beginning, the idea behind the internet was to share knowledge freely. Now they seek to constrain that as many of us have used this medium to fight back against the globalist narrative.

They continue,

One main challenge to online safety is the proliferation of health misinformation, particularly when it comes to vaccines. Research has shown that a small number of influential people are responsible for the bulk of anti-vaccination content on social platforms.

That is a great excuse, but an excuse it is. It’s simply an attempt to convince us to agree to a global agenda that seeks to censor and control all online content.

We personally produced articles citing the CDC, WHO, and scientific journals that stated face masks do not protect against COVID. For our work, we were deemed “false information” by Facebook.

So these mediums of information; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have become hubs of centralized control echoing globalist organizations like the World Economic Forum.

In fact, Facebook just warned users to beware of extremists among their network of friends and promoted a website to help people leave the “far-right”.

Check out this next paragraph.

A recent study by The Economic and Social Research Institute’s (ESRI) Behavioural Research Unit, found people who are less likely to follow news coverage about COVID-19 are more likely to be vaccine hesitant. Given these findings, it is clear that the media ecosystem has a large role to play in both tackling misinformation and reaching audiences to increase knowledge about the vaccine.

Of course they are more hesitant. The reason is very simple, they are not tuned into the propaganda machine. Therefore, they did not feel the fear concerning COVID like those who tune into every update did.

Nevertheless, the World Economic Forum thinks this is a problem. If more of us tuned out, instead of tuning into the brainwashing, we all would be a lot better off. When we tune in, we grant these people power over us through psychological warfare.

You will love the next part.

The pandemic exposed deep-seated social and political divides which reached breaking point in 2021 as seen in acts of terrorism, violence, and extremism globally. In the US, the 6th January Capitol Insurrection led to a deeper look at how groups like QAnon were able to organize online and necessitated a better understanding of the relationship between social platforms and extremist activity.

Look at that, no mention of the racist leftist riots across our nation that led to massive division in our nation. Instead, they only mention the January 6th event at our nation’s capitol. If that is not conditioning us to their ideals, then I don’t know what is.

It is certain, globalists do not like rebellion when it comes to their way of thinking. They only embrace rebellion when they have control over it. They plainly reveal that in this exposé.

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