Singapore Plans To Stop Counting COVID Cases, Treat As Flu

Singapore announced plans to stop counting COVID cases and routine testing. Instead, they plan to treat COVID like the flu. Now there is a novel idea huh?

Here are some more details.

Only serious cases, intensive care capacity and deaths monitored to make sure the healthcare system can cope – though vaccine passports and border testing will be part of the ‘new normal’.

Daily Mail

There is the bad news in this however, vaccine passports are a real thing in Singapore. It will be interesting to see how long it stays a “thing”.

The government admitted, ‘We can’t eradicate [Covid]’.

Interesting, since your everyday folk knew this about a year ago.

The government continues.

‘We can turn the pandemic into something much less threatening, like influenza, hand, foot and mouth disease, or chickenpox, and get on with our lives.’

So Singapore plans to treat COVID like the flu moving forward.

‘They carry on with their daily activities even during the flu season, taking simple precautions or getting an annual flu jab. Doing so will be our priority in the coming months.’ 

Instead of monitoring Covid-19 infection numbers every day, we will focus on the outcomes: how many fall very sick, how many in the intensive care unit, how many need to be intubated for oxygen, and so on.

This is like how we now monitor influenza.’

We also see the UK finally ending their lockdowns and mask mandates.

I suppose this means the flu will return to the world this coming fall…

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