IMF: Your Credit Score Should Be Based On Your Web History

Another crazy day, another crazy statement from globalist organizations like the International Monetary Fund. This time, they want to institute a Communist style credit scoring system in your nation…

You are probably familiar with China’s social scoring system. If not, ensure you read that article and watch the video.

Your Online History Will Determine Your Credit

The International Monetary Fund has proposed a new way to identify and provide credit to individuals. Their recent blog post explains,

Fintech resolves the dilemma by tapping various nonfinancial data: the type of browser and hardware used to access the internet, the history of online searches and purchases. Recent research documents that, once powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, these alternative data sources are often superior than traditional credit assessment methods, and can advance financial inclusion, by, for example, enabling more credit to informal workers and households and firms in rural areas.

IMF Blog

So they want to know the type of browser and device you use. Worse yet, they want to know your online history and your past purchases.

How would any of those things determine your credit worthiness?

They wouldn’t.

However, they would tell a potential creditor what your political and religious persuasion is. Therefore, they could grant you credit or not, based on these factors. This reminds me of YouTube’s attempt to acquire information on their users.

So this again documents a clear “separation” taking place in our world, (see: as an example only Mark of the Beast). These things are now beginning to occur, even here in the United States. We have separation on just about every level you can think of. In the future, this will simply become another form of separation that we must deal with.

Folks, this is another great example why we should pay in full for products and services. We do not want to place ourselves into a compromised position for the sake of a material object. Further, by financing, we pay more than we need to.

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