Interfaith Abrahamic Family House Now 20% Complete, Set To Open In 2022

Ah yes, interfaith equals peace and love among all religions, specifically; Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Surely you remember the “Human Fraternity“ calling for a Global Day Of Prayer last year… If not, there is your reminder.

That brings us to the “Abrahamic Family House”. A project inspired by the “Human Fraternity” of religions to create a sanctuary to honor the world’s three major faiths. Visit that link, it’s quite the eye opener.

Construction work has been progressing on the UAE’s Abrahamic Family House, which is being built on Abu Dhabi’s Saadiyat Island, with the project having marked 20% completion and is scheduled to open in 2022.

The project takes inspiration from the Document on Human Fraternity and is being supervised by the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity.

Designed by Arch. Sir David Adjaye, the project portrays the values shared between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, through three main buildings, including a mosque, a church, and a synagogue in one place as well as a cultural centre.

Construction Week Online

Religion And Globalization

It has become extremely obvious over the years. The Christian faith has been watered down to no end. Mainstream faith leaders have ensured to include the world’s ideology within the Christian framework.

This of course is not compatible.

Jesus explained, if we stand for Him and the Word of God, the world would hate us for it, (John 15:18-21). Therefore, we cannot be friends of God and friends of the world.

Nevertheless, we have mainstream faith leaders holding hands singing kumbaya as if we are all representing God. While peace sounds like a great thing, in the end, there is only one God, and we all are not correct in our assumptions of who He is, (Psalms 83:18).

So what we are seeing is global faith leaders are merging faith into one global union. Just as we are watching global political leaders attempt to do the same. We witnessed this with COVID-19, where nearly all nations reacted at the same time and in the same fashion to stop the pandemic that never was.

Today, the faith leaders in question are all backed by the United Nations. You see, the United Nations Agenda 2030 is not just about politics. Globalization is about bringing the entire world together, including the world’s faiths. Without inclusion of faith into a global government, it will not be successful.

“Faith” today is merely a word with little real meaning. In fact, most of these faith leaders seem to parrot the ideals of the man-made climate change agenda, more than their own religious ideals. This is not some accident or error on their part. This is by design.

Little by little, day by day, globalization is becoming a reality. We also saw major strides in this last year in the form of the Abraham Accords that were signed with the nation of Israel.

One thing I want you to remember. When faith leaders come to you presenting a different doctrine than God’s Word the Bible, be on guard.

Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

Jeremiah 14:14
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