Israel In Talks With Saudi, UAE, Bahrain For Defense Alliance Against Iran

In the last few years, Israel and their neighbors have become closer than ever before. This was made possible through peace agreements that came into existence when Trump and friends helped push for a “Global Center For Combating Extremist Ideology”. This was consecrated during “The Glowing Orb Ceremony”.

Note: While the whole notion of “Combating Extremist Ideology” is directed toward Iran. It is interesting when looking back to 2017 when this agreement transpired. The notion of “Combating Extremist Ideology” has taken center stage in our world. Think, “cancel culture”.

Since then, the United States and its Middle East allies have pushed for an Arab N.A.T.O., a coalition of forces comprised of Middle East nations. It would be a force of Arab nations standing shoulder to shoulder with Jews, in agreement, and against Iran.

However, it seems this attempt to bring about an Arab N.A.T.O. has fallen short. This is why,

Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have discussed expanding cooperation in facing common enemies, an Israeli official familiar with the matter said Monday.

Jerusalem Post

I’ll give you just one guess who that “common enemy” is.


Iran Is The Global Threat

The matter is being “informally discussed,” the source said, adding that the countries are US allies. All four believe a nuclear Iran would be a major threat and have been eyeing the Biden administration’s plan to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal with concern.

These comments came after World Jewish Congress president Ron Lauder published an article in “Arab News” calling for a “NATO of the Middle East.”

This is to be noted since Saudi Arabia does not have a free and open press (who does?). Yet, “Arab News” is owned by Prince Turki bin Salman Al Saud, a son of King Salman and brother of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman. So there is no doubt here, this reveals Saudi Arabia’s own view and desires, to form and join a completed Arab N.A.T.O.

Such a force would galvanize the Middle East against Iran.

Lauder went on to add,

“Facing the accelerating threat of a malevolent Iran and the weakness of a coronavirus-hit world, the path toward self-reliance seems also to be the only path forward. Israelis and Arabs should seize the opportunity to work together to save the Middle East from the looming catastrophe of extremism and nuclearization.”

“Work together”. Oneness. Togetherness.

IE: Save themselves from Iran, a nation whose Navy consists of literal speed boats. A nation whose Air Force consists of ancient U.S. F-5 fighter jets. But hey, these guys are a nuclear threat. If I had a buck every time I heard that line.

Middle East Peace

Late last year, then President Trump worked with Middle Eastern nations through son-in-law Jared Kushner to negotiate one of a kind peace agreements. We had an article concerning this topic that you should probably read, Middle East Peace: Dawn Of A New World Order.

Those peace agreements were the foundation for what is being discussed now. If these are the events that will merge the world together in solidarity against Iran, then we should continue to hear about them, slowly, but surely as the days move forward.

While we all would like world events to sped up, they are going to go at their own pace. God is in control, never worry about that, never rush it. Just relax, enjoy each day you have, enjoy your health and carry on!

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