U.N. ‘Only Together’ Campaign Supports Global Vaccine Equity, Biden Joins

How about that! Another call for more “equality” and “inclusiveness”. This time it concerns vaccination efforts around the world. The United Nations penned an article that explained poor nations do not have fair and equal access to the COVID-19 vaccine.

However, before they dove into those details, look how they butter us up to the idea of vaccination.

The COVID-19 vaccines will stop people from dying, prevent new variants from emerging, reignite economies and offer the best hope to end the pandemic.

United Nations

For the record, some people are still catching COVID even after they have been vaccinated. People are still dying, due to the vaccine actually. The tally currently stands at 1,265 deaths and 25,212 side effects, all from the COVID-19 vaccine.

Lastly, the vaccine cannot prevent new variants from forming. A mutation is just a fact of nature, no vaccine can magically go out into nature and keep a lifeform from changing. Any existing vaccine, may or may not be effective against any future variant. That is just a fact of life.

Nevertheless, the United Nations wants you to believe; vaccines help you, vaccines are good. Especially, Pfizer’s CEO!

U.N.: Only Together Brings New Era Of Hope

Next comes the United Nations message of oneness and togetherness.

Only together can we end the pandemic and transform a new era of hope.

Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy already?

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres used one of the Pope’s lines,

COVID-19 vaccines must be considered a global public good.

Hey friends, if men agree on it, it must be good, or so they would have us believe. This is all conditioning our mind to work together, to be one people, with one common interest. That should remind you of the Tower of Babel, this is just a modern version of it.

Biden: Do Your Part For The Public Good

Now this ties right into what President Biden said yesterday.

“If we do our part,” then “there’s a good chance” Americans will be able to have “small” events by Independence Day.

“This doesn’t mean large events with lots of people together,” Biden said.

“I need you to get vaccinated when it’s your turn, and when you can find an opportunity,” he said, adding he is urging all states to make all American adults eligible for a coronavirus vaccine by May 1.


I bring this up to show the similarity of his message to that of the globalist one. That has been the whole COVID message; comply, wear a mask, comply, get your vaccine, comply. It makes life easier to just comply with illegal laws doesn’t it?

Imagine how easy it will be just to comply with Satan’s message of hope, change, salvation, and prosperity for all. But hey, that’s different, right?

Moving on.

Biden To Pledge Billions In Aid Toward Global COVID Vaccination Efforts

Just last month, President Biden announced the U.S. will spend $4 billion on international COVID vaccination efforts. This ties right into the United Nations’ message of “oneness” and “togetherness”.

This pandemic is not going to end unless we end it globally,” one official said. “But pandemics travel,” and “the more disease that’s out there, the more likely we are to see additional mutations and variants.”


So we have to work together, globally.

Get it?

So from a national to a global level, we have this work “together”, we are “one” attitude all due to a virus with a 99.98% survival rate.

Think about that.

Virus Advances Globalist Agenda

This virus pandemic has done more to advance globalization than any single event since the 1940s.

So I hope you understand why the COVID-19 pandemic occurred to begin with.

To help bring the world together under extremely abnormal circumstances. It is a message and idea that most of the world has latched onto. People do not care about a lot of things in life, but everyone cares about themselves. So everyone wants to protect themselves from the virus, and they will do anything to preserve “self”.

It’s a great con to help bring globalization about. Don’t get sucked into it. While this “oneness” talk sounds great on paper, it leaves God out. Without God, no venture like this will be successful. God has to be apart of it, or it’s going to fail miserably.

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