Supreme Court Ruling On LGBT Rights Removes Christian Rights

Almost to the day, Five years ago the Supreme Court of the United States voted in favor of homosexual marriage. They have no authority to make law, but it was interpreted as such. Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled organizations cannot terminate an employee for being homosexual.

This is obviously the biggest win for the LGBT community since 2015.

It should be noted, most companies if not all already have rules in place to prevent discrimination. All this ruling did was remove the ability for Christian and other faiths to terminate homosexual employees.

Look, I personally do not care how you want to live your life, it is your life. However, if I run a church, I cannot hire a homosexual to work there much less be a pastor of the church. That runs contrary to the Christian faith, and most other faiths for that matter.

With the new ruling, a person could get hired and at a later date “come out” homosexual and as a organization of faith, you could not do anything about it. There will certainly be people who do that, just to spite the church, make no mistake about it.

Our First Amendment

All this ruling did was remove more freedom for the church. This ruling goes contrary to the First Amendment which reads,

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Cornell Law

Congress cannot make any law that prohibits the free exercise of our Christian faith.

Now the Supreme Court just revoked that with their ruling. They just erased a little more of our Constitution which is illegal. No law or ruling can usurp the Constitution, so in reality, their new interpretation of the law is null and void.

Surely our great conservative President will contest this…

Trump’s Comments On The Ruling

Trump said,

“I’ve read the decision, and some people were surprised. But they’ve ruled and we live with their decision. That’s what it’s all about. We live with the decision of the Supreme Court. Very powerful. Very powerful decision actually. But they have so ruled.”

The Hill

Once again, our leaders refuse to stand for God. I know, I know, it’s an election year. Apparently God has no control over elections so we must pander to the radical left.

Pandering is why our country is burning, do you get it or not? We are supposed to stand for what is right, God blesses that. God does not bless those who pander and distort His Word into a lie.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Back to the Supreme Court ruling.

They issued their ruling on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes it unlawful “for an employer to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual… because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.”

Three people who were fired from their jobs claimed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers them under the term, “sex”. They felt “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” should be categorized as “sex” under the 1964 Act.

Of course, such terms did not exist back in 1964 and the Civil Rights Act never intended to cover homosexuals. Yet, times have changed.


The most disturbing fact in all of this is how they can blatantly modify a law that overwrites our Constitution. Churches cannot bend the knee, churches cannot hire homosexuals or have them on staff. Homosexuals can work anywhere else, but not in the church. God is against homosexuality. We cannot change God’s Word to appease men, it just will not work.

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