Trump Admits U.S. Killed Millions In War Based On Lies

The President of the United States just admitted the obvious in one of his latest tweets.

Let’s hear what he had to say.

Trump: U.S. Killed Millions Based On Lies

The United States has spent EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS fighting and policing in the Middle East. Thousands of our Great Soldiers have died or been badly wounded. Millions of people have died on the other side. GOING INTO THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE WORST DECISION EVER MADE….. – Trump 1

….IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY! We went to war under a false & now disproven premise, WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. There were NONE! Now we are slowly & carefully bringing our great soldiers & military home. Our focus is on the BIG PICTURE! THE USA IS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE! – Trump 2

This was not sudden breaking news to Donald Trump, he has known this for a very long time I am sure.

So why bring it up now?

Saving Face

To provide some cover for the heat he is taking from removing 50-100 troops out of Turkey’s way in Syria. Which considering our troop levels in the region is hardly news. Yet, the glaring problem here is Trump left the Kurds to defend themselves against Turkey after the Kurds helped the U.S. in the so called war on terrorism in Syria.

Nothing says I am your friend like a knife in the back! But that is another story…

Trump has told us since the inception of his campaign that he was bringing the troops home, yet, they are still in distant lands. We have even added troops and military hardware in Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, our men and woman are still dying in foreign lands along with the citizens of those nations.

Trump is simply trying to save face.

He moved the 50-100 troops out of the way, he did not bring them home.

Will The Troops Come Home?

If Trump was so concerned, he would bring the troops home right now.

We went to war without a Congressional Declaration of War to begin with, so the President can certainly bring our men and woman home right now, this moment.

Trump freely admits, the global war on terrorism which has led to the destruction and death of millions, costing trillions of dollars was based on a lie. Therefore, we should not be there in the first place. Correct the mistake now…

Yet, our troops will remain.

Our troops will remain until the last semi-free nation comes under the umbrella of global government.

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