Trump Halts Evictions As Fears Of Coronavirus-Fueled Housing Crisis Grow

This is a very, very serious subject, one you should not overlook. This is now the second time our government has halted evictions this year (first time). There is much more than elections to blame for this.

How We Got Here

Before we dive in, I want you to remember our government created this crisis in the first place by hyping the Coronavirus. Our President addressed the nation and declared a National Emergency when we were told 50 people died from COVID-19.

An unprecedented move.

That set off a firestorm in government and the mainstream media that is still with us today. Then our Federal Government led by Donald Trump placed Dr. Fauci before us who struck fear into the American people. This was not a mistake, but a calculated move.

It quickly became clear as day, the agenda was to use Fauci to scare the American people into submission which worked like a charm. “Social distancing” and the wearing of face masks became common in our nation, and around the world.

This marked a global agenda, and folks, let’s not forget. It was the Trump Administration who selected Fauci to be the COVID-19 “expert”. They all knew Fauci was a socialist, Fauci has been around for a very long time, it was certainly no surprise. So let’s place the blame for the crisis where it belongs.

We Face The Most Severe Housing Crisis In History

As we know, this unleashed economic damage across the nation due to illegal lockdowns. Again, caused by government intervention to begin with. Now, the Trump Administration seeks to curb the amplified catastrophic damage to our way of life.

What am I talking about?

Right now, our nation is facing the most severe housing crisis in history. There is the potential for millions of Americans to lose the roof over their head, whether they are a renter or “homeowner”.

If this happened, homelessness would explode and the housing market would drop like a rock bringing down everything else with it. Even worse, those who lose their homes would have nothing else to lose and could certainly focus that disdain against our government.

So this is about controlling the people.

I also want to point out, the Federal Reserve continues to buy up mortgages at a record pace. In fact,

The Federal Reserve has snapped up $1 trillion of mortgage bonds since March, a record pace of purchasing, as the U.S. central bank tries to blunt the impact of the Covid-19 recession on American homeowners.

Yahoo News

What they are doing is essentially creating Monopoly money and then using that money to purchase mortgage bonds which props up the housing market. The Federal Reserve is doing this as no one else is purchasing these bonds.

So we now have two-fold intervention by our government and our private central bank, the Federal Reserve.

Increased Government Dependence

The point in all of this is very simple.

What I have explained is a big piece of where this could all be leading us…

More government intervention means we will become even more dependent on our government. Do not forget about the stimulus checks many of you received. That too was government dependence.

Those checks were essentially Universal Basic Income light. Now we have the second halt on evictions and foreclosures. Folks, the government has to halt evictions and foreclosures as those people do not have jobs!

Yet, the same government is telling you how quick the economy turned around as the stock market is at new record highs. This is a fabrication of reality.

Halting Evictions Is Socialism

A halt on evictions will not fix anything, it will only delay the inevitable which is further economic destruction.

Think about it.

Right now, there is no plan to reimburse landlords should the renter not be able to pay rent.

Housing experts warn that barring landlords from evicting nonpaying tenants without compensating them could have a massive destabilizing effect, felt first in the commercial housing market and then in credit markets, as both large and small-scale landlords default on mortgages.


Further, reimbursing the renter from the government dole only increases government debt. This comes through the artificial creation of U.S. Dollars which makes the money in your pocket worth even less!

This also makes the government a socialist republic where government steps in to fix crisis after crisis. Crises they manufactured in the first place.

I thought Republicans were against socialism?

The Agenda Is Clear

For me, the agenda seems very clear.

Bankrupt the people so they become more dependent upon the government while consolating power and wealth into the hands of the few. Once we become dependent on the government, they essentially control us.

It would be very easy to attach certain restrictions and guidelines on government assistance. This would make revolting against their agenda detrimental to our financial health.

We already see it in social media.

Say something they do not like, you get banned. Now think about the government turning off your Universal Basic Income…

We could be going there, this is all about globalization and a new world order. As we have said for many months now, the fall and winter will be very telling as to where this is all taking us. I have more to say on this, I have another observation I will share with you, but I want you to think about this before we go there…

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