“Unprecedented,” Trump Declares Iran’s Revolutionary Guard A Terrorist Organization

Iran Revolutionary Guard Navy Speed Boat
Iran Revolutionary Guard: “Navy Speed Boat” Or Lackluster Fishing Boat?

U.S. President Donald Trump has declared Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a “Foreign Terrorist Organization”. This is a major and unprecedented escalation against Iran. I want you to hear it from Donald Trump himself.

This unprecedented step, led by the Department of State, recognizes the reality that Iran is not only a State Sponsor of Terrorism, but that the IRGC actively participates in, finances, and promotes terrorism as a tool of statecraft. This designation will be the first time that the United States has ever named a part of another government as a FTO.” – President Donald Trump

Who is the one invading the middle east again?

Talk about calling the kettle black.

This is akin to another nation calling the U.S. Army a terrorist organization.

How well do you think that would go over?

This new designation is designed to give the U.S. and other global powers yet another reason to invade Iran. Make no mistake about it, the goal is to remove Iran’s leadership from power and bring the nation into the current global structure by whatever means necessary.

This move has been in the making for years and each headline like this brings us one more step closer to the fulfillment of prophecy. Prophecy we explained and documented in “The Timeline of the Tribulation”.

The Reactions From The Middle East

Why am I not surprised?

Iran’s Military Capabilities

Iran’s military capabilities have been brought up numerous times over the years on our site. To put it bluntly, they are a joke. Their airforce consists of ancient U.S. F-5 fighters from the 1950s. They are in no way shape or form a threat to the United States of America. They are simply a threat to the global powers of our time for their refusal to be apart of the system, ie: new world order.

The U.S. Escalation Against Iran

For years the United States has escalated its rhetoric against Iran. Take a moment and read some of the recent articles below. This is being coordinated and done little by little as designed.

  • Iran-Al Qaeda Alliance May Provide Legal Rationale For U.S. Military Strikes
  • Pence Warns Iran’s Mullahs Are Plotting ‘New Holocaust’ Against Israel
  • U.S. In Syria Until Iranian ‘Commanded Forces’ Leave
  • U.S. Calls For Global ‘Coalition’ To Counter Iran

Which Path To Persia?

The design, of course, comes from the Brookings Report titled, Which Path To Persia.

The stated objective in this “report” is to remove the government of Iran.

The course of action is to make it appear that peace with Iran was attempted, but was deemed impossible due to Iranian failures in the peace process. To make it appear the only recourse for global powers, was war.

The day is coming, and I believe our Father’s Word has outlined it for us.

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