Debt, Debt, And More Debt!

Everyone and everything is in record debt these days, but friends, this was the case before the choreographed event called COVID-19 struck.

Apple Borrows $8.5 Billion

As if I did not get enough news yesterday, I read some more last night only to find Apple of all companies borrowing $8.5 billion dollars! I found this extremely odd since Apple is sitting on a pile of cash.

How much?

$190 billion in cash to be exact. So why exactly are they borrowing when they have such a massive surplus? They could bailout nations themselves, they certainly do not need to be bailed out. They claimed they will use the borrowed money for company business.

One wonders if companies with cash have something to gain from borrowing money they do not need…

9 States Need $36 Billion

9 States are asking for $36 billion in order to help cover unemployment costs. These numbers are so large we just gloss over them, though we should not. We should be asking our government for accountability. Our leaders are lost!

By the way…

California and New York are among them, the most liberal states in the Union. How odd it is we are constantly told their politics are true and correct, and how often do we find them holding out their hand for cash?

Consumer Debt Hits New Record Of $14.3 Trillion

Consumer debt, that would be the peoples debt hit yet another new record. All while 30 million “consumers” have been laid off in just six weeks time.

Do you like being called a “consumer”?

I prefer American myself. My goal in life is not to consume, but live, be free and happy. According to the mainstream media and government, you are nothing more than a number on a computer screen.

A consumer, one they need to buy worthless crap you will throw away in a year’s time anyway.

I am not upset this morning, honest, I have my coffee and life is good.

I just do not like our people being setup for a big fall.

COVID-19 struck when our nation, companies and ourselves are in record debt. It is a big setup.

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