California Police STAND DOWN After Marine Vet Challenges Their Integrity

Folks, make sure you watch this video. This event took place at the capital in Sacramento, California. Look at these law enforcement agents in full riot gear standing against plainclothes citizens.

Now listen to the man on the microphone.

Listen to him remain calm, and use terms these officers can understand and think about. This is how we win information wars. By educating the people, but talking to them rationally, and presenting them the facts.

Many of us have become very excited Biblically speaking concerning what is transpiring. However, do not be so quick to give up what we still have left. We do not know with absolute certainty where we are headed. I am sure we know, however, let’s always ensure we stand for what is right.

No harm came to this man, he did not lose anything by speaking out. Instead, he inspired many at this event, and even more online. He certainly gave these law enforcement agents something to think about.

Remember, while we look forward to what may be coming, do not cash in your insurance policy. Do not throw away what God has blessed you and our nation with so easily. Doing that would be like you spending your entire life savings right now because you thought the end was “nigh”…

Do not do that.

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