Disaster: Ketanji Brown Jackson Can’t Identify A Woman

That’s it, Ketanji Brown Jackson is toast.

She’s President Joe Biden’s nominee for the next Supreme Court Justice, and what a disaster her confirmation process has become. She has been completely outed as a radical liberal, illegal immigrant lovin’, child porn sympathizin’, CRT supportin’, BLM racist.

I know, I know. We’re not surprised.

Well, maybe.

Let’s see what we dug up today.

Do You Know What A Woman Is?

Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn did us all a favor yesterday.

During Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearing, Senator Blackburn asked the most basic question.

“Can you provide a definition for the word woman?”

Jackson wasn’t expecting that one. It’s a difficult question you know.

So Jackson squirmed and put on a confused face and responded,

“No, no I can’t.”

Senator Backburn seemed surprised and responded,

“You can’t?”


“Not in this context, I’m not a biologist.”

Here’s the video of the embarrassment.


Have you ever seen anything like that before?

I mean, outside of a White House press conference that is.

  • “Not in this context”?

What in the H-E double hockey sticks does that mean?

Jackson was reaching deep within (insert pro-noun here) self to come up with something. Yet, the second part of (insert pro-noun here) last quote was even worse.

  • “I’m not a biologist”?

Not a biologist?

You’ve got to be flippin’ kidding me?

Only Biologists Can Tell Men And Woman Apart

So wait a minute!

You must be a biologist nowadays to tell if a man is a man, and if a woman is a woman?

My oh my. How will people ever be able to find a date again? I mean hey, if you’re not a biologist, then you’re not qualified to call that gal over there a woman. Who knows, it could really be a guy!

Since I am not a biologist, can someone please help me identify this animal?

Stupid right?

These people are insane.

The fact of the matter is, people like Jackson have been brainwashed. That is their trained response to gender issues. They just say, ‘I don’t know’ and that ‘I’m not a biologist’.

These days, this brainwashing is very prevalent. At the recent NCAA 500 swimming event, a conversation took place in the stands about swimmer Will/Lia Thomas.

Listen to the masked bandit ask the lady if… She is a biologist.

So you see, these radical liberals have been trained to say, “Are you a biologist”. It’s simply part of their brainwashing, which then becomes a common talking point. Folks, don’t stand for that trash, call people out on this.

By the way, did you catch the ladies response?

She said, “I’m not a vet, but I know what a dog is.”

Common sense right.

Speaking of common sense, here is a real life biologist. Let’s see what he has to say.

Whoops! They may not have him back on again.

Enough Already!

Personally, I think we have all seen enough.

Ketanji Brown Jackson is a disgrace, and Joe Biden is even worse for making her his pick. The whole thing is a freak show, and these Senators need to call it for what it is.

I saw a clip of Senator Cruz reading papers for nearly five minutes.

What a waste of time!

Why didn’t another Senator respond and ask Jackson if she is a woman?

Is she really going to say, “I don’t know”?

We know it’s political plays and BS. Let’s just call it for what it is.

By the way, let’s rewind history folks.

Biden To Appoint Black Female To Supreme Court

Have we already forgotten WHY Joe Biden selected Ketanji Brown Jackson?

For the sole reason that she is a black female.

This tells us two things.

  1. Joe Biden is a biologist.
  2. Joe Biden is racist and sexist.

So, how on earth can Jackson sit there with a straight face and say,

‘I cannot provide a definition for a woman, I’m not a biologist’?

It’s lies and dishonesty and the freak show needs to end. If you cannot define male and female, then you have no business taking orders at a fast food joint, much less serving on the Supreme Court.

Lest you get sucked into the racist propaganda. Just remember, it was Joe Biden who ensured another black female was never nominated to the Supreme Court back in 2003.

The reason?

She is a conservative, and we can’t be havin’ that says Biden and friends.

Transgender Men Know What Women Are

Known to very few people, but transgender men are also biologists.

I mean, they are men naturally, but unnaturally they dress as women. Moreover, they spend thousands and thousands of dollars on hormone suppression and breast augmentations. You know, so they look like a woman. Not to mention, they alter their unmentionables.

Ukraine Knows Trannys

As a matter of fact, even Ukraine knows the different between a man and a woman.

Apparently they are biologists as well!

That gem tells us,

They feel women, they have a completely feminine aspect and their community recognizes them as such, but not their passport, where the male name is still in bold, and the “M” is still engraved next to the gender entry.

Two words that in recent weeks weigh heavily on hundreds of transgender women fleeing the war in Ukraine.

According to the martial law in force , male citizens between 18 and 60 are forced to stay in order to serve in the military and defend Ukraine. And among these, therefore, also certified trans men or trans women without any certificate confirming the change.


So there you have it.

When it gets right down to it, no one gives a rip about this gender buffoonery. Instead, a man is supposed to stay and fight like a man, regardless if he wears high heels or not.

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