Can You Spot The Lies?

These days, just about everything is a lie.

Of course, if you say that, well then. You are a liar!

haha! Confused yet? Me too!

Today, we are going to be all over the place. So today’s tip for navigating this article…

Stick and move.

Let’s go.

You Survived Biden’s ‘Winter of Severe Illness and Death!’

I had a good laugh at this headline from the folks over at RedState.

I almost forgot about that one.

Remember when President Biden said,

For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and deathfor themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm,” Biden continued. “But there’s good news. If you’re vaccinated, and you have your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death, period.”

The Hill

I remember laughing at that line. Lies and propaganda.

Hey, this household is unvaccinated, and we are still alive! Amazing huh? We must be the only unvaccinated people that lived through the “winter of severe illness and death”. It was so severe that no one wears a mask anymore.

I mean, the Super Bowl put the kibosh to that one. Then ol Vlad came along and invaded Ukraine, and now we can’t even spell COVID.

You know what, so I can poke fun at everyone. I also recall the other side saying, all the vaccinated people were going to die during winter. That never happened either.

Ahh well, maybe next year huh?

Kenya Says Over 800,000 Covid Jabs Have Expired, Blames Hesitancy

You’ll love this one.

Kenya announced on Wednesday that nearly 840,000 COVID-19 vaccines received through donations had expired, blaming hesitancy and a short shelf life for jabs going unused.

Kenyen News

Remember when global leaders kept telling us, we need to donate vaccines to poor countries so they all don’t die off from COVID?

Another lie.

We sent them the vaccines, and they let them expire! Good for them I say. Hey, if you want the jab, then go-getter done. However, if you don’t, then you should have that right.

Now, how many millions of dollars were wasted right here? Most likely wasted American tax dollars. Don’t worry folks, they will just print up some dough!

All right, no more talking about COVID, I promise.

Hey, that just might be a lie! You never know…

New Jobless Claims Fall To 187,000, Setting More Than Five-Decade Low

At 187,000, new jobless claims improved for a back-to-back week and reached the lowest level since September 1969. Continuing claims also fell further to reach 1.35 million — the least since January 1970.


Honestly, this one kills me folks.

The lowest jobless claims in 50 years they tell us.

Riddle me this Batman. If that’s true, as the economic numbers indicate. Then why o’ why do I see “Now Hiring” signs all over the country?

Ahh, that’s because jobless claims and the unemployment rate are two entirely different things. The unemployment rate and the labor force rate are not at 50-year lows.

So this begs the question…

Since there are still millions unemployed, what are they doing to earn income?

Biden Says To Expect ‘Real’ Food Shortages Due To Ukraine War

This is America folks, the land of plenty.

Yet, there have certainly been shortages over the last two years. Biden says prepare for more. Look, this was all due to government intervention. Don’t forget, the government would be the same folks who brought us the COVID lockdowns which caused so much of our misery.

Of course, they tell a different story.

This time though, it’s not COVID that’s going to dry up your store shelves. It’s some guy in Russia named Vladimir. In fact, despite those Joe Biden stickers at the gas pump, it turns out it’s really Vlad’s price hikes, not Biden’s.

More lies huh?

You should know, this dry store shelf talk has to do with fertilizer. Apparently Russia is a big exporter of it. Without fertilizer, it means little crop yields. I’m not an expert, but this is America and we have some bright folks. We will be just fine, unless the government decides otherwise.

How Biden Sparked A Global Uproar With Nine Ad-Libbed Words About Putin

Remember when Biden said,

“The words of a president matter,” Biden said. “They can move markets. They can send our brave men and women to war. They can bring peace.”


Hey, that’s not even a lie.

Unfortunately, on Sunday Biden said this about Russia’s Putin,

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power”.

That’s right, the President of the United States said Russia’s President “cannot remain in power”.

Wow. I remember when they said the same thing about Syria’s Basher Assad back in the day.

By the way, I just love it when these guys invoke the name of God. Invoke His name in a declaration of war, good job Joey.

Of course, that was not the truth according to the White House. This too, was a lie. Well, come on, not a lie, a gaffe, a snafu, a mistake.

The White House quickly fixed the error stating,

The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change,” said a White House official in a statement sent widely to reporters.



That’s not what Biden said at all. Just a day or two prior to this, Biden misspoke again, and the White House had to bail him out, again. Does anyone else think, maybe, just maybe, Biden is unfit for office?

Hey, we all misspeak right?

Certainly when you are in front of a camera. However, most people can catch a slip, certainly one of this magnitude.

Let me close this section by simply saying, Hunter.

Blackrock Says Russia’s War In Ukraine Is The End Of Globalization

Blackrock said globalization is dead.

These guys are crooks, why should we believe Blackrock?

Interestingly enough, I have heard this line repeated in some alternative news outlets.


Yes, we had globally coordinated COVID responses and we have wide coordination against Russia, but globalization is dead.

I don’t think people really know what “globalization” or “new world order” mean.

I tell you what, if you buy what Blackrock is selling, you will buy anything.

Marsha Blackburn Asked Ketanji Brown Jackson To Define ‘Woman.’ Science Says There’s No Simple Answer.

Ohh my word. That headline comes from USA Today.

Science says, ‘there is no simple answer for the definition of a woman’.

Now that right there is the lie of the century, it might even be bigger than the COVID lie!

Ha! I said I wouldn’t mention COVID again, and I did. So there is another lie. This is just another fine example, that any Joe Billy Bob will lie to you when they said they won’t. So don’t trust a soul, and question everyone until you are blue in the face.

Now where was I?

Oh yes, this transgender business.

Before the era of transgenderism, we all knew what a woman and a man were. It was clear-cut and well-defined. No one would have ever said, ‘Well sorry, I cannot tell you what a woman is since I’m not a biologist’.

Good grief Charlie Brown, that’s insanity!


So here we are folks, March 2022, and these are the things we are talking about today. The world has gone utterly mad. The best thing you can do is turn off the television and spend quality time with family and friends. Nearly everything is a lie these days.

The more technology advances, the more problems we have. The more voices we hear all telling us something different. What a mixed-up world. I long for the old school days, the 80s and 90s. To the older generation, those seemed like rotten days too. Yet, today, they would be welcomely received.

So how about we close out this insanity by simply saying, “amen and a-woman”.

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