Divided America: Democrat Voters Now Prefer Socialism To Capitalism

Now, this was a Fox News poll, so take it or leave it. However, it certainly confirms a lot of what we are seeing within our citizenry, government, and mega-corps these days. Being, a massive shift to socialist policies.

Now I am not the biggest fan of capitalism, in a perfect world, it’s a good idea. My gripe, greed has turned it into a bad thing. However, it’s what we have, and socialism is certainly not its replacement.

So we are going to talk about socialists, aka libs, and what their ideas mean for our nation.

Free Socialist Money!

It seems everywhere we go “Now Hiring” signs abound, and no one is applying. In fact, this has made national news. Apparently, there are over 10 million jobs available, a record, and there is not a single American to fill the positions.

Do you believe that last part?

I hope not.

As it turns out, governmental socialist welfare is the root cause to blame here. People are getting free money from the government, so why work?

Free money in the form of unemployment benefits that just keep getting extended.

Free money in the form of free rent, ie: eviction memorandums, so they just keep on staying for free. All while the property owner suffers.

Free money for having kids, that’s a new check that just shows up in your bank account.

“No action required” as they say.

Sounds fair huh?

Free money = Universal Basic Income = No poverty.

That’s one of the tenants of globalism.

Biden Did It!

Now before you go throwing feeble Biden under the bus. Just remember, it was the Republicans who kicked this all into high gear, under, COVID-19 guidelines. The Democrats just kept it and escalated it.

Same ol’ same ol’.

Ahh yes, both parties are a bunch of… unmentionables.

Socialism Takes Hold

We see socialism taking hold in the form of anti-American values. We now live in a nation where the phrase Founding Fathers is considered racist by radical liberals.

I am offended, where do I pitch my complaint?

S.F. Libs

We have socialist Mayors like this fine gal in San Francisco who just made it the first major city to require proof of full vaccination status to enter indoor buildings.

Who is going to enforce it?

Next to no one is my guess.

N.Y. Libs

In socialist New York, the restaurants there are already saying to heck with proof for vaccination.

One restaurant owner said,

I just don’t think that we’re gonna be the vaccination police. I just do not feel that we’re gonna be able to sit there and ask customers to show if they’ve been vaccinated or not.”

Gee, ya think?

You mean to tell me, companies hire people to make burgers, fries, and sell clothes, etc, not to check someone’s vaccination status?

By the way, asking someone about their medical records is a HIPPA violation.

These radical socialist liberals want power, power, power.

Isn’t that all a part of the globalist plan?

More power for the few, less power for you?

Philly Libs

In Philadelphia, the mayor implemented a new mask mandate.

Mayor Jim Kenney went on to say, “I’m upset.”

Jimmy continues,

“This amazes me that this is the most simple thing to do to keep yourself safe and your family safe and your community safe and people still refuse to do it.”

Silly me, here I thought the best way to stay healthy was a proper diet and exercise. I guess the science and education system lied to me all my life.

Ahh well.

P.S. All city employees must be fully vaccinated if they work inside.

The Acting Health Commissioner Dr. Cheryl Bettigole pipped up,

“Getting vaccinated isn’t just a personal decision. It’s a decision that affects all of us.”

Now that’s an understatement.

Philly readers, how about you send ol Cheryl this one, The Vaccine Is Causing The Virus To Be More Infectious.

Transgender, Men, Women, Prison, Mess.

I want to show you the mind of the libs, the socialists who keep pushing you in the chest telling you what to do. Telling you that you must be vaccinated and wear your whittow maskie.

Remember when California passed bill SB 132?

That bill declared, any male inmate who identifies as a woman can be transferred to a women’s prison.

We all thought it was a foolish idea. As it turns out, women, sorry, real women, like those born female, are getting pregnant, in prison these days.

Apparently, the transgender males are not so transgender after all.

Who woulda thunk it?

One truly female inmate described the law as “a nightmare’s worst nightmare.”

Sad stuff.


Black Lives Matter was a big thing in 2020.

Well, as it turns out people have gone sour on the whole idea. In fact, Black Lives Matter only has a 2% approval rating!

Yet, the NBA has its court striped, “Black Lives Matter”. I think the NFL has some BLM stickers as well. So it seems pretty obvious, no one really cares for BLM anymore.

So why is the corporate world pushing that one?

For power, control, and division.

Why else?

I don’t know folks, our nation and world is looking pretty divided right now. We have reached a point where the two sides can no longer work together.

How can you work with someone who thinks you must be vaccinated?

How can you have a conversation with someone like that?

Real Americans

By the way, more Americans continue to speak out regarding mandatory vaccinations. Look at these brave Arkansans who confronted their Governor on the issue. If your state has gone lib or is trying to head there, best stand up like these folks.

I love the Christian gal who brings up the Lord and remains respectful. High five!

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