Proof Biden Is Unfit For Office

You just watch the video first, then I’ll comment.

Come on folks.

The Secret Service Agent had to point which direction Biden was supposed to walk.

Isn’t it obvious?

The sidewalk of course.

Yet, Biden walks right past his right turn, even looking in that direction, and instead went through the grass.

This is beyond bizarre.

It’s so bizarre, the Secret Service Agent behind Biden looked left, thinking, “What the heck is he doing?”

The fact the Secret Service Agent had to point which direction Biden needed to go tells me, they all know his cognitive decline is bad, and getting worse.

We have all seen his slip ups, sometime’s he does fine, other times, Biden does things like this. That is a part of cognitive decline, it gets you here, and it gets you there until, it completely takes you over.

Ironically enough, we recently penned an article titled, “Our Government Has Dementia.” It was a play on Biden, but we brought our whole government into it.

Why are Republicans, heck, even Democrats not standing up and saying anything at this point?

It’s clear, Biden is well into his years and he should not be leading our nation. It’s almost questionable if he should be managing his own life decisions at this point.

It boggles my mind how more people are not speaking out about this.

It truly is a national security issue.

Maybe more Americans will begin to speak out about this…

*** Insert diversion ***

Hey you over there, pull up your mask.

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