Dr. Fauci Endorses Face Shields, Dr. Birx Says To Decorate Them

Trump’s doctors are at it again. This time disgraced Dr. Fauci says we should wear face shields to protect ourselves against COVID-19 and we should even wear face masks seasonally to combat the flu.

White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx parroted Fauci’s line by endorsing face shields as well. Dr. Birx said a face shield,

“Would decrease the ability for them to touch their eyes and spread the virus as well as those droplets coming towards them.”

“Them”, that would be us.

As if we are not capable of keeping our wittow hands away from our wittow eyes. Maybe we should all just live in a bubble from now on since we have become so scared of…

“The invisible enemy”.

Dr. Birx did not stop there. She even put a “fun” spin on the idea of face shields stating “you can decorate them“.

I kid you not.

These people are mentally ill, deranged and who knows what else. Only a complete fool would say what she said on TV. Only a fool would say you should wear a face shield much less add, “you can decorate them”. She sounds more like a kindergartner teacher than a doctor, and your President placed these clowns before you and changed our nation overnight.

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