Australia Places Melbourne Under Stage 4 Coronavirus Lockdown, As State Of Disaster Declared

Unprecedented events continue to unfold across the globe. Just as I found an article about Melbourne’s new lockdown, I noticed an email from one of our readers Downunder. The email was of course about the new lockdown.

Here are some highlights of the new Coronavirus lockdowns in Melbourne.

  • Exercise and shopping will be limited to within 5km of the home and all school students will return to at-home learning
  • A state of disaster will be enforced alongside the current state of emergency
  • The new restrictions will last until mid-September for all of the state

To make matters worse,

An evening curfew will be implemented across Melbourne from 8:00pm to 5:00am every day, which started Sunday night, forbidding anyone from leaving the home except for working, receiving or giving care.

COVID-19 Is Overblown

It should be plain as day, COVID-19 is not the killer it was made out to be. 5 studies point out the mortality rate of COVID-19 is 0.72% or less. USC-LA County and many others say it’s 0.1% and the CDC says its 0.4%. Then we have to remember, the few who are dying had chronic health conditions which made them susceptible to any illness to begin with.

The mortality rates we just covered are flu-like death rates. Then, let’s not forget, according to the World Health Organization every year 650,000 people die from the seasonal flu. COVID-19 has only recently reached those numbers. Yet, we do not lock down the world over the seasonal flu, do we? For the record, lockdowns do not save lives.

Despite the facts, we are told we need to wear masks in public, which are actually harmful to you according to the CDC, WHO, and several scientific studies.

COVID Is About Controlling The People

I can only see this new lockdown measure in Australia as a way to continue to place fear into the people so they can be controlled, and controlled they are. Just look at the images in this article.

People are standing in long lines outside with masks on, as if they were cattle. As if they were waiting for slaughter. As they reach the front of the line, then they must have their temperature checked before entering the store.

Folks, we are being conditioned for a very disturbing future. Add some common sense here. If one person has a high temperature, then they just infected everyone else in line. Your cloth mask, even your surgical mask will not stop the spread of COVID.

I want you to take note of the image at the top of the article. It is not from Australia, its from CNBC in California. I have been noticing these images of people getting their temperature checked and it looks like a gun is being held to the people’s head. It’s not a gun, but the motions and actions are the same. The individual has submitted to wearing a mask, then they submit to a temperature check reminiscent of a public execution. The visual just bothers me.

Personally, I find it very disturbing. I do not think I could submit to that myself. I do not like the symbology I see, and the more we submit, the worse this will become. I do want to add, wearing a mask or submitting to a temperature check is not a sin and no matter what they or anyone else says, remember 1 Corinthians 8.

Symbology In Current Events

As I write this, I feel Aussie, our friend from Downunder probably has some of the same thoughts as I do. As she faced a temperature check to enter a store, they backed out and were mocked by customers and staff members.

Do not look past all of this, if we live in the last days my friends, then all of these things are precursors and tips for us to understand what it’s really going to be like.

Speaking of signs of the last days. Now they are burning Bibles in Oregon along with American flags. Our world continues to radically change for the worse.

Aussie wanted you folks to know she and her husband are doing well. She continues to read, but is unable to comment on the site for unknown reasons.

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