Ukraine Is Corrupt, Has Neo-Nazis: West Media

In the past, truth was truth, it didn’t change depending on the day or narrative.

These days, truth can later become a lie or an inconvenient note of the hour.

These days, the “truth” is guarded tightly by the mainstream media, governments, social media, and search engine “gate-keepers” of the world. In fact, they tell us what the truth is. If you refuse to accept their truth, then you are banished and don’t have a voice at all.

I reject this dogma.

So today, I will present you the truth about Ukraine, as told by our media from the past.

The Hill: There Are “Neo-Nazis In Ukraine”

Now wait a minute…

Isn’t this Russian propaganda?

According to The Hill, “This is not Russian propaganda.

There are indeed neo-Nazi formations in Ukraine. This has been overwhelmingly confirmed by nearly every major Western outlet. The fact that analysts are able to dismiss it as propaganda disseminated by Moscow is profoundly disturbing.

The Hill

Wait a minute…

The Hill is admitting from their 2017 article, there are in fact neo-Nazis in Ukraine. In fact, the evidence is “overwhelmingly confirmed” by Western media.

Which media outlets?

It “has been covered by the New York Times, the Guardian, the BBC, the Telegraph and Reuters, among others. On-the-ground journalists from established Western media outlets have written of witnessing SS runes, swastikas, torchlight marches, and Nazi salutes. They interviewed Azov soldiers who readily acknowledged being neo-Nazis. They filed these reports under unambiguous headlines such as “How many neo-Nazis is the U.S. backing in Ukraine?” and “Volunteer Ukrainian unit includes Nazis.””

The Hill asked, “How is this Russian propaganda?”

Good question.

So just a couple of years ago, everyone knew there were Nazis in Ukraine. Today, that’s just Russian propaganda they tell us.

Do you see how the truth can be transformed into a lie?

In fact, there have been human rights abuses in Ukraine.

The U.N. and Human Rights Watch have accused Azov, as well as other Kiev battalions, of a litany of human rights abuses.

As The Hill said, “This is not Russian propaganda.”

However, when we turn on the media today, they all tell us this is Russian propaganda. As we can see, that was just another lie by our own government and media. You see, the truth changes from day to day, depending on who may benefit.

So ol Vlad was right, there are Nazis in Ukraine, according to the mainstream media of yesterday.

Putin told us, he wanted to free the people in the Donbas, and “demilitarize and denazify” Ukraine. In case you forgot, the people of Donbas are those who have been killed and disappeared by the Ukrainian government.

That is, according to Putin today, and according to Human Rights Watch yesterday.

Say, no wonder Ukraine passed that “indigenous peoples” act, (see: The Putin Letter).

Nothing like a little ethnic cleansing huh?

Ukraine likes Nazis so much, they even named streets after some of them in their capital of Kyiv. That is, according to ABC News, yesterday.

Why even The Telegraph had a little something to say on the Nazi subject.

Even Reuters chimed in on the discussion about Nazis in Ukraine.

You get the point.

So what else did the mainstream media say about Ukraine, yesterday?

Guardian: “Ukraine Most Corrupt Nation In Europe”

I can hear them now…

“Ahh, Brandon come on.

That Guardian article is from 2015.

Besides, that new guy they got in there, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. He is like superman! The guy is a beacon of light to the world. He has made his country stronger, richer, and less corrupt.”


Well how about this one…

Let’s have a look and see what this article discusses.

It has recently become clear that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky loves kleptocracy as much as his predecessor Petro Poroshenko.

New Europe

I won’t lie, I had to look up the word “kleptocracy”.

“A society or system ruled by people who use their power to steal their country’s resources.”


So it means Zelensky is a blood-sucking politician.

In America, the land of the free and home of the brave, we have more kleptocrats in D.C. than ticks in the woods.

Zelensky has consistently protected corrupt officials from prosecution and killed anti-corruption reforms. Now he and his inner circle have destroyed two of Ukraine’s most high-profile graft cases – against Zelensky’s deputy chief of staff Oleg Tatarov and Ukraine’s most corrupt judge Pavlo Vovk.

Then we have Vox which tells us,

Zelensky — or “Ze,” as he’s more popularly known — has aimed to bring the values of his character to Ukraine’s presidency. In May, just minutes after officially becoming president, he dissolved Ukraine’s Parliament in an effort to consolidate power, which he said would help him stamp out corruption.

Once again, someone is lying.

However, we recall that just yesterday we covered both the 2008 and 2021 U.S.-Ukraine charters, (see: NATO Covertly Brought Ukraine Under Its Umbrella). They told us, Ukraine has done a good job at fending off corruption. We all knew that was just another lie.

By the way, Zelensky has done nothing to help the poor nation of Ukraine. That’s right, poor nation. In fact, Ukraine is the poorest nation in Europe. According to the IMF and World Bank anyway.


As you can see, what was truth yesterday, is today’s fable.

The fact of the matter is, everything Russian President Vladimir Putin has said about Ukraine was true. The media of yesterday confirmed it, just not the media of today. This also means, everything we have presented to you on the matter in the last two weeks has also been truth.

I hope you have enjoyed it. I hope you have learned from it, because we will pay a heavy price for sharing it.

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