Everything’s A Lie To Brainwash Our Mind

Ahh where to begin this fine Friday morning?

Government and media have pretty much always been a circus show, but these last two years have really been something else. We have seen the truth glossed over, in order to push forward some agenda.

It’s all about money and power folks, always has been, (Ezekiel 28:14-16, James 5:1-6).

I am astounded by the number of lies being perpetuated as truth. Today, the lies and brainwashing run so deep, many do not even realize they have been brainwashed. Take for example this gal yelling at Governor Youngkin.

So today, we are going to run through some headlines, and just point out some of the hypocrisy. Hopefully, it will bring you more sanity than it removes…

No promises.

Let’s see what we come up with.

Olympics In China

Here’s a great note on brainwashing!

Our Government and media mainly push forward a friendly view of China. Yet, we all know about the genocide China has committed against the Uyghurs. If that were not bad enough, China has all but removed Christianity from their nation.

Yet, we never hear about that one on the news, do we?

No, that might promote Christianity in some fashion, and we can’t be having that.

Nevertheless, China gets to host the Olympics, again. Forget the fact they have slave labor. Forget the fact they have unfair trading advantages. Forget all that stuff, just focus on the games folks. Focus on the distraction.

This one really riles me up.

Those on the right typically love to blame China for every misfortune in the world. Yet, they completely (conveniently) forgot who provided China with so much power and wealth in the first place.

Why, it was the United States!

Yes, that’s right. It was the United States, whose sky-high corporate tax rate sent manufacturing to the communists decades ago. Somehow, our political elite at the time didn’t have the foresight (blinded by cash) to see this day.

You have to forgive our political faithful. They didn’t realize, sending billions of dollars worth of materials would produce such wealth for China.

I mean really, who saw that one coming?

For more on this saga, make sure you read, China, China, China.

Speaking of our political faithful, why it was none other than Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who just warned U.S. Olympians…

I actually want you to just listen to it.

Did you catch that?

Pelosi said,

The Chinese government is attempting “to distract the world from a decades, long campaign of abuse and repression”.

If she is so bent out of shape about it, then why do we continue trade with China?

If she is so bent out of shape about it, why are we even in the Olympics?

Money and power. It’s always money and power.

I think the worst part was when Pelosi told Olympians,

You are there to compete, do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless… I worry what the Chinese government might do.”

You got to be kidding me man.

She is a stateswoman of the most powerful nation on earth and she is afraid of the Chinese government?

What a joke.

Again, who created this monster?

We did.

Am I talking about Pelosi or China, you figure that one out.

Russia Plans False Flag

According to our trusty U.S. government, Russia is/was/might plan a false flag attack in order to justify a war in Ukraine. Apparently, the Russians had it all covered. A fake video, with corpses and actors to justify such an invasion.

When I first saw that headline, I shook my head.

This is brainwashing.

It’s not like the United States ever conducted a false flag against someone else, or even considered evil against their own people, right?

Some of you are thinking,

“Hey now, Bubba! My government would never do that.”

Yeah, I know, we all would like to believe that.

Yet, here is a shortlist of past travesties committed by the United States. In fact, ABC reported this about “Operation Northwoods”…

In the early 1960s, America’s top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

Yes, your own government considered acts of terrorism against their own to justify a war. Let me add, this was during a time when people’s moral standards were much higher than today.

Just think of the wickedness they are plotting today.

Nevertheless, today, you, the freedom-loving American are considered a bad person if you don’t “mask up” and get vaxxed. We now live in a nation where parents themselves are domestic terrorists.

The insanity of it all.

I told you, the brainwashing is really good, you got to give them that.


You heard the word, “woke”, but what is Wokeism?

“Wokeism is an oppressive mind-virus.”


Short and sweet, I like that.

No, Wokeism is not the COVID virus my friends.

It’s much worse.

Wokeism begin with the riots back in 2020. It suddenly became acceptable for people to burn down buildings, steal and commit murder and mayhem. That is, if they had the right skin color. It was a disturbing and disgusting moment in American history.

Unfortunately, its more popular today than ever!

Today, Wokeism, (how about Marxism) is used to silence those who disagree with the radical left-wing agenda. Woke is why so many cops keep getting killed.

The Wokeites told us cops were actually the problem.


The Wokeites in power, think of Governors and Mayors decided to defund police. However, as shocking as it may be. Those policies actually increased crime and violence in locations where less emphasis was placed on law enforcement.

Shocking I know.

Today, the cops are beginning to speak out saying, enough is enough.

I agree.

Yet, the Wokeites will call you racist if you do not bend to their will.

Call me schizo, but I thought a person earned a job or responsibility based on how well they performed.

Not if you are President Biden.


Biden is going to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court. Not because she is the best candidate, just because the person is black and a woman. Talk about racism and sexism!

What about Caucasians, Asians, or Mexicans?

Who cares, they aren’t black, are they?

Speaking of black women…

Michelle Obama?

The Hill put out a piece on the former First Lady, saying, she is the Democrat’s best pick for a 2024 Presidential campaign. This is not the first time we have heard it, but it sure makes you realize how far our nation has fallen.

The first thing that popped into my mind was, she has zero qualifications.

Yet, The Hill reminded me…

  • She is “qualified” to be president with the new qualification standard: If you get elected, you are qualified.

Sad, but so very true.

Welcome to America my friends. The place where Wokeism rules and non-legitimate candidates become your new leaders!

Speaking of things that make you go puke, on to our next topic…

Our COVID Leaders

Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, we were told we must wear a mask and “social distance” in order to protect ourselves and our communities. This was brainwashing, to keep us apart from one another.

We were even shamed into masking and social distancing. Regardless of whether we believed it would help or not. You just listened to big brother, as if he was your abusive husband.

Yet, as it turns out. Our illustrious world leaders were not practicing what they were preaching.

Take the U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson for example. Not only did he not practice what he preached, he hosted drunken cocktail parties, unmasked, while you stayed at home alone.

In fact, Johnson’s sin is now widely known, and they are calling the scandal, “Partygate”. Even worse, the cheapskate was hosting “bring your own booze” parties!

Why the Brits haven’t tarred and feathered, stoned, and hung this guy by now is beyond me.

But it gets better…

Newsom And Garcetti’s COVID Lies

Then we have the Tweet that came out the other day…

Ol Magic Johnson posted photos of himself, California Governor Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. All of whom failed to have on their whittow maskies.

Worse yet, the photo was taken at SoFi Stadium. You know, the 49ers and Rams Championship game, with tens of thousands of citizens in the stands.

Why, someone could have been infected and spread the virus.

Yes, this would be another super spreader event, thanks to the Wokeists!

Never fear say the trio…

Garcetti actually had the audacity to say,

“I’m holding my breath” in the photo.

He was holding his breath! hahaha

Holy cow these people think we’re idiots, and maybe we are, because they are still in power ruling over us. Newsom held a press conference where he reinforced that it was acceptable for him to take off his mask, just for a second of course.

You know, COVID doesn’t travel in seconds silly. So it’s a-okay!


Nations Continue To End COVID Restrictions

Sweden on Thursday joined other European nations in saying it will remove coronavirus restrictions.


Hip hip, hooray!

Denmark and Norway are the other nations who dropped mandates. On top of other nations who already dropped mandates.

It’s nice to know they are catching up to the red states in America.

By the way, the “WHO sees pause, even end of pandemic for Europe”.

How about the United States as a whole?…

White House Eyes Next Phase Of Pandemic

Politico says, “The White House is preparing to move on from Omicron.”

Why the sudden change of direction?

Emboldened by falling case counts, the Biden administration is plotting a new phase of the pandemic response aimed at containing the coronavirus and conditioning Americans to live with it.

Now hold on sparky.

Falling case counts?

The last time I checked, we still have record cases. However, cases are beginning to drop, but do you know why? Sure you do, you remember…

They are doing away with daily case counts, instead, they want to track what really matters…

Deaths and hospitalizations.

Why, that is what many of us have been saying from the beginning. Look at this headline from Time, As Omicron Hits, COVID-19 Case Counts Don’t Mean What They Used To.


The real reason is, even the libs have had enough with this hyped up pandemic. The fact of the matter is the COVID cases were always a horrible indicator. I remember summer of 2020, cases suddenly skyrocketed. I pointed out that testing had suddenly skyrocketed.

Hence, if thou testeth for the COVID, thou shall findeth the COVID.

The real truth has always been, the dead are few and far in-between. Even those numbers have been manipulated.

Just a week ago, the CDC finally admitted what we knew all along…

We had posts banned from Facebook for saying that two years ago. Banned for citing what the CDC website said all along.

Yet, now it’s okay to admit the truth, as the narrative is changing.

  • So do you see all the brainwashing we have endured?
  • Do you see how the lies are spun into truth, when it’s convenient for the power grabbers?

We now arrive at this moment in history, as the deeds have been done.

The world will now comply with governments who deem it necessary to shut down society over any crisis. Moreover, common sense concerning race has now been discarded. Wokeism is now common, and accepted by the masses, which is another tool of the emerging New World Order.

Now back to you.

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