They Stopped Counting, So COVID Went Away

“Ohh, ohh, ohh it’s magic!”

Governments the world over, including the mainstream media, have decided, the pandemic has come to a conclusion. Since at least August, we have noticed a trend where governments have started to reduce their emphasis on COVID.

No More Breakthrough Cases

It seems to have started when the CDC stopped counting “mild and asymptomatic breakthrough” cases.

Why did they do that?

A “breakthrough” case was actually a COVID case in an individual who was vaccinated. So this was an inconvenient truth. You see, the vaccine was supposed to keep you from getting sick. At least, that is how it was sold to the public.

Yet, the mRNA vaccine was never designed to provide “sterilizing immunity”. All the vaccine really did, if anything, was reduce your symptoms. So they claim. Don’t forget about the side effects and death it causes.

Then, the news media raged with headlines saying, ‘only unvaccinated people are getting COVID’. Hey, when you change the formula for a case, you change the whole scenario. Since they were not counting “breakthrough cases”, well then, that would only leave unvaccinated individuals.

We know there is more to that story, but you get the gist here.

The whole COVID pandemic has been a head game. If you have read this site for the last two years, you get it. You don’t need a rehash.

Associated Press ‘Don’t Emphasize Case Counts’

Then last month, the Associated Press told their “editors and reporters to avoid emphasizing case counts in stories about the disease”.

As I read the web today, I laugh at how many experts are now saying, ‘Yeah, COVID cases were always a dumb metric to use’.


Where have you been for the last two years buddy?

So we have most assuredly entered the closing stages of this long saga. Not because COVID actually went away, only because our public health and government officials have changed the tally, or are finally reporting real data.

Like the CDC for example…

While we have known for nearly two years COVID was a mild infection for most, per the CDC themselves, this data was not reported on television. Instead, fear was peddled for truth. We call that, “manipulation”.

Then, just two days ago, the U.S. Department of Health ended its requirement for hospitals to report daily COVID-19 deaths to the Federal government. The CDC will still collect this data apparently.

Yet, it shows a de-escalation, doesn’t it?

This is not just happening in America though…

Around The World

In fact, many nations around the world have removed all COVID restrictions, or have severely reduced them. There are too many to list at this point. Instead of hashing through them, I want to focus on the governments and entities that are changing how the data is collected.

Do you see where this is going?

Suddenly, the whole world has changed its tune!

All at a time when Omicron was just at its peak. That reminds me of 2020 in America. When cases were at an all-time high, then states started removing the lockdowns.

It’s madness! It really is.

If you are really afraid of the virus, then why give in when it’s at the peak?

Wouldn’t that be the time to really dig in as a dictator?

Sure, but people have had enough at this point. You have seen the trucker convoys and all the other protests around the world. The virus was oversold on day one like we always said. You cannot lock down the world, period! Certainly not over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate.

Johns Hopkins: Covid-19 Lockdowns Did More Harm Than Good

We brought this up the other day.

Johns Hopkins University released a study that said,

We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality.”

Johns Hopkins

“Whoops,” says your government overlords.

The lockdowns “contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence, and undermining liberal democracy,” the report read.

Johns Hopkins

“Sorry,” says your health experts.

In other words, the lockdowns were a failure that might have cost more lives than they saved. For example, from May 2020 to April 2021, drug overdose deaths increased by 28.5% from the year before. Domestic violence incidents increased 8.1%. Depression rates tripled in adults in all demographic groups, and suicide attempts among young children and teenagers skyrocketed.

Washington Examiner

“Nothing to see here”, says the mainstream media.

Sickening huh?

Even more sickening, where is the media coverage?

I’m not seeing much right now. That’s alright, most people get it… Finally.

In fact, when we look back on this in 2-3 years. When information like this is common. It will be tough to encounter someone who was fooled by COVID. People will say, ‘Yeah we knew the lockdowns, forced masking, social distancing, and vaccines were a bad idea.’

We all know better.

Unfortunately, it’s how human psychology works. No one wants to admit they were wrong about something. Certainly nothing of this magnitude.

Prime example…

Blue States & Libs

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said,

We are not going to manage COVID to zero. We have to learn how to live with COVID as we move from a pandemic to an endemic phase of this virus.

Glad you joined the rest of us Bubba.

Now check this out.

Did you notice what he said?

“As we move from a pandemic to an endemic phase of this virus”.

I want you to take note here.

Pandemic” means, “a disease prevalent over a whole country or the world”.

Endemic” means, “a disease or condition regularly found among particular people or in a certain area”.

I know you already understand that, but doesn’t that just kill you?

I mean think about what science has taught us about COVID these last two years…

The virus mutates into additional variants. Most of us already knew that, but everyone knows it now.

So how could the deadly COVID ever become ‘confined to a certain area’?

I mean we have seen news report after news report telling us, Delta and then Omicron was found in one nation. Yet, within days, it was reported around the world. This tells us, in today’s society, there is no such thing as “endemic”.

If you get a cold and give it to a Chinese dude… He is going to take it back home to China and his family and friends. It’s just the way it works.

So this whole notion, that we can now live with COVID is just insanity to me. Coming from these libs anyway. I mean, they are the ones who have been telling us about all the dead right? They told you the hospitals are running over with the dead.

Now, they’re not.

Do you know why?

Sure you do!

They changed the numbers game folks!

New we don’t count the sick and we reduce the emphasis on the dead.

Bingo, pandemic vaporize by the government and press.

The “pandemic” that hospitalized just one NFL player (who recovered) out of 7,000 NFL staff last year. Ahh, it just kills me how we have been suckered so bad on this one.

Meanwhile, hordes of people have either died or become injured due to the vaccines. Yet, you probably won’t catch much of that on the news. You see, that would scare the people away from the jab and major profits for big pharma.

So anyway, more blue states are removing mask mandates.

Then we have commie doctor Leana Wen who says, the government shouldn’t mandate face masks. That’s right, now she agrees with the rest of us, it should be your choice. She is the same gal who said back in July, “It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated”.


Don’t look now…

Here comes the pale horse, the Russians, and financial doom!

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