Topic: Corruption


Media Apocalypse: News Biz Craters, Want To Guess Why?

Extra, extra, read all about it! The news business is headed for an “extinction-level event…” That’s right my friends, the news business, as in the mainstream media is tanking. In fact, it’s all over the


Who’s Pulling The Strings?

The institutions of men are absolutely corrupt. The modern era has not only made this more evident, but emboldened the behavior of the wicked. When we look at government, academia, the media, health care, finance,


Can You Spot The Lies?

These days, just about everything is a lie. Of course, if you say that, well then. You are a liar! haha! Confused yet? Me too! Today, we are going to be all over the place.


Disaster: Ketanji Brown Jackson Can’t Identify A Woman

That’s it, Ketanji Brown Jackson is toast. She’s President Joe Biden’s nominee for the next Supreme Court Justice, and what a disaster her confirmation process has become. She has been completely outed as a radical


Ukraine Is Corrupt, Has Neo-Nazis: West Media

In the past, truth was truth, it didn’t change depending on the day or narrative. These days, truth can later become a lie or an inconvenient note of the hour. These days, the “truth” is


Here’s The Hypocrisy Behind The Raging War

The amount of hypocrisy, doublespeak and outright lying that takes place in our world is simply stunning. This is especially true during times of crisis. These days, every day is a crisis. Then there is


A Veil Has Covered The Truth

These days, each new day brings more trouble for the world. Another day, another mess. More lies, more war, more death. In that order I might add. The media stopped reporting facts long ago. This


The Lies And Dangers Behind What Is Unfolding

What a mess we have on our hands people… The only thing being peddled by the government and media are lies and half-truths. There is a big struggle for power unfolding in our world. We


Everything’s A Lie To Brainwash Our Mind

Ahh where to begin this fine Friday morning? Government and media have pretty much always been a circus show, but these last two years have really been something else. We have seen the truth glossed


Lying Lips Will Perish, But Truth Will Endure

We are surrounded by lies, sometimes the lies even sound truthful, but they are still lies. One day, lies will be no more, only truth, and those who stand for it.