Evil Propaganda Never Sleeps

There are two things that never sleep, evil and the propaganda it produces.

The 24/7 news cycle and social media have been an absolute disaster. They are like chains that we carry around without even realizing it. There are thousands of news outlets, personalities, and websites telling you what is true and accurate.

Oh, and don’t forget the “fact-checkers”.

None of this has made our world better.

Instead, this has polarized our world.

It would seem, this has caused more division than at any other point in modern history. Perhaps, ever. Our politicians are so focused on power, all they can think of doing is destroying the other party.

It’s quite sicking actually.

The media long ago stopped reporting objectively and continually spins the news to their political persuasion. That’s not news reporting, that’s propaganda spun by evil itself.

Yet, we quickly gobble it up.

All of us, left, right, center, whatever.

Blame Fox News

A great case in point is the House select committee that is presently holding a hearing on the “January 6th Capitol Riot”. You know, something that happened a year and a half ago, but seems important now as the elections loom.

If the government really cared about what happened that day, they would have held this hearing long ago. The fact of the matter is, it’s the Democrats who want to paint Republicans and their supporters in a bad light.

Forget the fact that cities were burned and looted and people killed during the summer riots in 2020. Those don’t matter, nope, only the “Capitol Riot”. You know, the riot where the police actually allowed the rioters to enter the building.

You want another example don’t you?

How about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), she believes news outlets like Fox News were accomplices in the events of January 6th.

“We are learning and have known for a long time that Fox News and its hosts have played a role in this,” Omar explained. “I would consider them accomplices to what took place, inciting that riot, calling that mob to descend on Washington, the insurrection that ended up taking place on January 6, the big lie of the stolen election, the working with supremacists to undermine our democracy and interrupt the process of peacefully transitioning the presidency. They were in on it.”



People like Omar shouldn’t be allowed to represent our government. She was born in Somalia and the only reason she obtained power, is our Federal government has packed Minnesota with untold thousands of Somalian “refugees”.

She knows nothing of our ways, and she wants to shape our nation in the image of her own.

That’s not how America works.

In fact, packing Minnesota with thousands upon thousands of Somalians is not how America works. You can thank your Red and Blue representatives for that one.

You won’t catch that line on television though, not even Fox.

Blame Tucker Carlson

Next up, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) blamed Fox News and Tucker Carlson for the shooting that took place in Buffalo. Listen as she explains the shooter was a “white supremacist”.

Does that sound helpful at all?

How can she with a straight face say something like that when blacks commit far more crimes than their percentage of the population?

It was just a month or two back when a man shot up a bunch of people in New York on the subway. Then there was a guy who ran over a bunch of people during a Christmas parade with his SUV.

Ohh, both crimes were committed by black racists, but no mention of their crimes. Apparently Bush suffers from selective amnesia.

Of course, the real season is that their crimes do not fit the narrative evil people are creating.

So then, we see people like Omar and Bush are the epitome of evil. They don’t seek to unify, they seek to divide by labeling white people the enemy. Even white President Joe Biden does this by saying,

“Terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland.”

What kind of sick and evil person says things like that?

It’s how evil people attempt to get their way. By demonizing another group, building up a false enemy to scare the public into their way of thinking.

Barrack n Bones

You remember that guy, the former black U.S. President who presided over the racist white nation known as America. So racist, people of every color under the sun come to this nation to…

Get ahead.

Surly you see the ironic humor there?

Nevertheless, Obama peddled more fear and lies at a recent speech.

“In my own country, the forces that unleashed mob violence on our Capitol are still churning out misinformation and conspiracy theories.”

These days, everything is “misinformation” and a “conspiracy theory”.

Until proven otherwise that is.

It’s misinformation and conspiracy theory depending on who is telling the story in many instances. The evil bandits we have spoken of in this article have themselves peddled misinformation and conspiracy theories.

Yet, to them, my point of view would be “misinformation” and “conspiracy theory”.

It’s like grade school all over again.

Only as adults, we lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead and gain more power and wealth.

It all makes me sick, but not as sick as Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Canada: You Can’t Use Guns For Self Defense

During a recent interview, Trudeau said,

“There are debates and we have a culture where the difference is, guns can be used for hunting or for sport-shooting in Canada, and there are lots of gun owners, and they’re mostly law-respecting and law abiding, but you can’t use a gun for self-protection in Canada. That’s not a right that you have in the Constitution or anywhere else.

If you try and buy a gun and say it’s for self-protection. No, you don’t get that.”

In America, our socialist leaders would love for this to be the law of the land. Where a firearms only purpose is to hunt or sport shoot.

Hey, once they remove the concept of firearms for protection, well then, you have no need for a firearm.

Do you know why?

You don’t need to hunt, there are grocery stores, and you can pick another less dangerous sport.

That would be their rational.

More importantly, listen to the whole clip.

Justin points that these ideas about gun rights come from the radical right wing.

  • It’s not radical to want to protect yourself.
  • It’s not radical to keep the government in check.

If those concepts are radical, then this quote must be extremely radical…

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”


Talk about radical.

Anyone want to take a stab where that one came from?

Our Declaration of Independence.

That’s why we have the second amendment. To fight our way to independence from all enemies, foreign and especially the domestic variety.

This may come as a surprise to some, but our ancestors rebelled against the government of Britain to become a free nation. They endured radicals like Omar, Bush, Obama, and Trudeau. They fought against the propaganda of their day and established a new nation.

Something that was deemed tresionous to do.

Since our Founding Fathers lived and endured through that time, they wanted to ensure none of their descendants would live under a tyrannical arm as they did. So they granted the people powers to defend themselves. Powers against propaganda and lies.

That power is derived through the second amendment, something that’s being negociated this very second.

We don’t need new laws, we simply need to enfore the laws we already have.

Failure to reconize that, is simply promoting more evil propaganda.

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