A New Horde Of Illegal Immigrants Are Coming

It actually never stops.

Illegal after illegal continues to cross our southern border, no matter who is in office. Unfortunately, the guys who wear blue are much more lenient and allow many more through.

It was just months ago when a swarm of Haitians crossed the border making waves. President Joe Biden welcomed them, while calling Americans domestic terrorists. It clearly showed how he feels about traditional American values and the taxpayers of this once great nation.

The New Horde

Ahh, but the new horde comes closer by the second.

With each keystroke, thousands upon thousands come closer to our homeland.

What’s America going to do about it?


Actually, they will open the gates, and let um on in, welfare and bus slip in hand.

If a border patrol agent on a horse catches one or three, then the media will vilify him anyway.

Been there, done that.

So what’s the latest horde look like?

Let’s take a look to see what we are up against.

Filled with their own national pride, they come to… America?

According to the Daily Mail, the horde stands at 11,000 and is expected to grow into 15,000.

How about another photo?

Not to be the bearer of bad news, but this comes on the heels of Biden’s plan to accept 100,000 Ukrainians. Let’s not forget the tens of thousands of Afghanis he already accepted.

Unless something changes really soon, it’s safe to say…

Our nation is toast.

It was a good ol experiment, the best in world history. Yet, it’s being destroyed and gutted from the inside.

As ol honest Abe once put it,

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

Abraham Lincoln

There you have it.

We have brought about our own demise.

It’s not just from the latest horde of illegal immigrants. It’s a mixed bag of everything over the last 30 years or so. Especially the last 10-15.

Long ago, we perverted and turned our back on our national heritage, in order not to offend a few people. That was only the beginning. Over time, we became too soft, too concerned about not offending someone else.

Worst of all, we let go of God.

Every time the Israelites did that, they went with the ways of the world. They embraced sin and destroyed themselves with it. All when they already had God, the best thing in the universe. I suppose it’s human nature, to not realize how good you have it, until all you have is nothing.

So now, we are receiving the rewards of our own doing, just like the Israelites, (Nehemiah 9:9-39).

Crimes skyrocket, freedoms vanish, inflation multiplies, and taxes reach the moon.

Just another day in America.

If We Had A Real Leader

If we had read leaders in power, he would demand our laws be followed. If we had a real leader in power, he would demand the South American nations never allow these people to march through their lands to ours.

A real leader would cease all aid to any nation failing to comply.

But, we have no real leaders in this nation.

We are only a shell of our former selves.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14
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