Fauci Admits The Truth About The Vaccine

I didn’t want to talk COVID today, but we have to, it’s short.

The following is a transcript of Dr. Fauci on Face the Nation.

I placed in bold the important parts of the transcript for you.

The gist is simple.

The vaccinated have the same or similar levels of the COVID Delta variant in their nasopharynx. Fauci goes on to say, so the vaccinated are spreading the virus as well as the unvaccinated.

The fact that Dr. Fauci did not state which group carried the higher viral load, only stating they were “similar”, indicates to me, the vaccinated are carrying a higher viral load. Not that it matters a bunch, the point is clear. The vaccines are not working as advertised.

We all knew the virus would mutate over time, and render even a good working vaccine, ineffective. I am not a doctor or scientist, and I knew that from my grade school years.

How can these people not know it?

They are criminals and enemies of the American people.

This transcript tells you the vaccine campaign is a farce, a joke, and should be called off. There should be no vaccine mandates for our schools and jobs.

Stop it all, stop it now.

This ties right into what Dr. Malone told us last week.

Share this transcript with your family and friends.

What do you have to lose, a couple minutes of your time, or your freedom?

After you read the transcript, follow it up with the video below.


JOHN DICKERSON: I’d like to start with the new thinking on COVID-19 that was part of the CDC’s decision to change its mask guidance. We’ve been talking about the Delta variant for a while. But what is new in your understanding about the Delta variant this week?

DR. FAUCI: Well, a confirmation of how easily it spreads from person to person, but also we found that individuals who get breakthrough infections, namely people who are vaccinated, who might get infected, almost invariably they get either minimal symptoms or no symptoms at all. But since no vaccine is 100% effective, you’re going to see breakthrough infections. But what we’ve learned that’s new, JOHN, in answer to your question is that when you look at the level of virus in the nasopharynx of people who are vaccinated, who get breakthrough infections, it’s really quite high and equivalent to the level of virus in the nasopharynx of unvaccinated people who get infected. That’s very different from the Alpha variant. The Alpha variant the level of virus in a vaccinated person was extremely low compared in the- in the vaccinated people compared to the unvaccinated people. Not so with Delta. So we know now that vaccinated people who get breakthrough infections can spread the virus to other people.

JOHN DICKERSON: Sticking on- on that point, we’ve always known that it was not 100% effective when you’re vaccinated. So what- among the breakthrough cases that we always knew would happen, in every breakthrough instance is it true that the ability to spread is high or is it a smaller subset of the breakthrough cases in which this discovery was made about the ability to spread?

DR. FAUCI: Well, the phenomenon of the ability to spread is clear. We’re seeing that very, very clearly in a number of situations. When you look at the data that we’ve gotten from a single study so far, and other studies are coming out, you have a variability. But the mean, the sort of average or mean level of virus in the nasopharynx is really quite similar, almost identical on an average. So you would think, obviously, when you have biological variability, you’re going to have some people high, some people low, some people in the middle. But the median or mean is going to be right there, which is very similar to the unvaccinated individual, which is troublesome, which tells you the potential for transmission is there.

JOHN DICKERSON: And that’s why the mask guidance for those who have already been vaccinated, because there are these cases in which it’s possible to spread.

DR. FAUCI: Right. I mean, the situation is that if you get breakthrough infections in- in individuals who are vaccinated and they don’t spread at all to anybody else, then you would not worry about if they went home to a vulnerable person in the household, children or an elderly person, they wouldn’t be any issue. But since we know now that, A, they can transmit when they get breakthrough infections, even though they have minimal symptoms or no symptoms, we know they can do it. We know the mechanistic reason for it is that the level of virus is high. So you want to make sure they don’t get infected. And that’s the reason why. And the fundamental basis for the CDC modifying their guidelines and saying, now, if you’re in an area of a high or substantial level of virus, namely a red and orange zone, you- when you are in an indoor public setting, you need to wear a mask. That’s the fundamental reason for that change.

A Message from the UK

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