Fauci: Government May Ease COVID Restrictions For Fully Vaccinated & More

The highest paid federal employee, doctor Anthony Fauci said the government may soon ease restrictions for those who have received all of the COVID-19 vaccinations. Of course, Fauci never said exactly what that means…

“When you say, wait a minute, if I’m fully vaccinated, and my daughter comes in the house and she’s fully vaccinated, do we really” need the same strict rules? Fauci said on CNN. “Common sense tells you that, in fact, you don’t have to be as stringent in your public health measures.”


This is supposed to be America. It is not common sense to require or give anyone special privileges. Remember, society is trying to teach us to be all “inclusive”, but only when it fits the narrative at hand.

Fauci is the same hack who said, we should just ‘Do What You’re Told’ regarding illegal COVID mandates. The same hack who co-authored a New England Journal of Medicine paper on March 26, 2020 that said,

The overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%)

New England Journal of Medicine

Fauci and friends all knew COVID was not going to be a big deal from the get go, but that never stopped the fear and hype did it? Follow these links for more background on him.

The Flu Vanished

Meanwhile, there have only been 165 seasonal flu hospitalizations this year, the flu magically vanished!

In reality, it did not vanish, flu illness was simply recategorized as COVID-19 to inflate the COVID numbers.

Washington Schools Are Open…

Meanwhile, schools are open, at least for Wenatchee and Eastmont highs. To see how far the insanity has gone, you have to follow this link and look at the photos, (article photo credit: World photo/Don Seabrook).

They do band inside… Personal COVID Tents!!!?

Buy yours now! Oh Lord save me please.

America has truly lost all common sense. It simply does not exist any longer and we will be conditioned to accept anything that comes along.

By the way, I am willing to bet, those tents are the schools and they are re-used over and over again without being properly cleansed. But hey, don’t let the facts get in the way of an agenda!

Troops To Give COVID Vaccines

As Trump promised us months ago, and Biden continues the promise. The military is going to be administering COVID vaccinations in Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, New York, and California.

“We’re in the business of protecting Americans, and saving lives, and they feel really good about what they’ve been doing,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Military Times

So our men in uniform are now COVID agents with a new mission in life, to inoculate you against a manufactured crisis. Tell you what folks, you can have my shot.

Six Flags Theme Parks Are Back In Business

That’s right, common sense reigns once again. In light of a global pandemic, theme parks are opening back up. Just bring your wittow maskie and you can come right on in!

On Friday, the Texas-based theme park operator announced plans to reopen all 26 of its locations for the 2021 season… The company further confirmed its intention of hiring “thousands of team members” for the upcoming season exclusively via online hiring events.

New York Post

I actually like this bit, it provides some glimpse that maybe we will have a half way decent summer… I said a glimpse.

Israel Adopts Law Allowing Names Of Unvaccinated To Be Shared

Israel, not to be outdone by Dr. Fauci adopted a new law that allows the names of “the unvaccinated” to be shared and shamed.

Israel’s parliament passed a law Wednesday allowing the government to share the identities of people not vaccinated against the coronavirus with other authorities, raising privacy concerns for those opting out of inoculation.

The objective of the measure — valid for three months or until the Covid-19 pandemic is declared over — is “to enable these bodies to encourage people to vaccinate by personally addressing them“, a parliament statement said.


Well gosh golly gee, that sounds just like China’s social credit system. Shame them into submission. That’s the way to do it!

The fact of the matter, is nations continue to adopt radical policies like China’s as that is what the new world order is all about. Exerting control over you, ensuring that you conform. Just like those kids inside the COVID tents. So before we say, China, China, China, let’s take a look in the mirror.

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