5.6% Of Americans Identify As LGBT Ahead Of Equality Act Vote: Gallup

According to Gallup Polls, 5.6% of Americans now identify as LGBT which is up from 4.5% in 2017. If this is true, it’s not surprising considering how much our world has become indoctrinated by this massive agenda.

Gallup’s latest update on lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender identification finds 5.6% of U.S. adults identifying as LGBT. The current estimate is up from 4.5% in Gallup’s previous update based on 2017 data.


I remember running the numbers about ten years ago, back then, less than 1% of the population identified as homosexual.

Has the pendulum really swung that far?

Not quite according to a 2016 report by the Williams Institute of Law at UCLA, which states,

We find that 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as transgender. This figure is double the estimate that utilized data from roughly a decade ago and implies that an estimated 1.4 million adults in the U.S. identify as transgender.

Williams Institute of Law: UCLA

When I read that, I had to pause for a moment. The Williams Institute was only tracking “transgenders” it would appear. So I jumped back over to the Gallup Poll which states,

Rebasing these percentages to represent their share of the U.S. adult population finds 3.1% of Americans identifying as bisexual, 1.4% as gay, 0.7% as lesbian and 0.6% as transgender.

So we can see the 0.6% transgender number matches the Williams Institute’s numbers.

To me, this indicates with the invention of the alphabet soup of LGBTQRS+ designations, this caused the homosexual percent to rise. Not that more Americans have suddenly become homosexual, despite it being pushed on us at every corner.

The Equality Act

The reality matters little when compared to the mainstream illusion that is thrown at us daily. I found Gallup’s report even more disturbing when we realize the U.S. Congress has dredged up The Equality Act from last year.

It seems like Gallup’s report is well-timed to coincide with the upcoming House vote on the new Equality Act from the 117th Congress.

Please reach out to your Congressmen and tell them to vote No. This has major implications for our nation. If it moves past the House, we will discuss it further.

The bill seeks to bring America together, making us all equal…

I thought we already were?

Silly me, Christians have lost an enormous amount of rights within the last year. Primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which governments then used as an excuse to close churches.

The Equality Act would only continue this negative trend toward Christians, a bill which they say is “equal” and “inclusive”. That is a lie, and those are terms from the new world order.

The Equality Act would make it law that Christian organizations, including churches, would have to consider hiring LGBT applicants. They would no longer be able to refuse such applicants based on Biblical principles alone.

Hey, God is against homosexuality, but your government does not care. They are forcing their evil will upon you.

If this bill becomes law, churches that are 501c3 will risk losing their tax exemption status for refusing to hire homosexuals. That is the problem when you take from the government, you are then bound by their agenda.

As we have seen in the past, homosexuals have sued Christian bakers and other Christian businesses for refusing service. We will see the same thing begin to occur for churches. There is no way to properly regulate this.

Think about it, a homosexual applicant who is not hired can simply sue the church, and say they were discriminated against. Even if their qualifications were not up to snuff.

That is ironic, considering the Bible nullifies someone from serving God who partakes in homosexual acts. If you want to serve in the House of God, you have to cease from the sin folks.


Even with Gallups 5.6% number, LGBT Americans are far, far, far in the minority here. Further, our government is going to attempt to pass legislation that is unprecedented in world history.

For thousands of years, men have been men, and women have been women. Our government now seeks to alter common sense, and not only make an excuse for sin, but force it on God’s People.

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