Fauci: ‘It’s Time To Do What You’re Told’ And More

I really cannot stand this guy, but we have to cover this. What we are going to discuss in this article clearly documents the power play that is being unleashed on our world. Those in power can do as they wish, while you must cater to their demands.

Just days ago Dr. Fauci said,

“I was talking with my U.K. colleagues who are saying the U.K. is similar to where we are now, because each of our countries have that independent spirit. I can understand that, but now is the time to do what you’re told.”


Fauci is saying, ‘Americans have an independent spirit, but it’s time for them to do what they’re told’. He clearly disregards the Constitution of the United States and wants to rule by decree. This is not the first time he has made such statements.

Quick Vaccine News

Just last week, we were told Pfizer came out with a new COVID-19 vaccine that is 90% effective. Then days ago, another company came out with a COVID-19 vaccine that is 95% effective.

Folks, not even the annual flu vaccine is that effective! Remember, these COVID vaccines have been produced in record time. How can they suddenly be so effective?

By the way, Pfizer’s vaccine has side effects, surprise, surprise!

Fauci: Keep Those Masks On!

Yes! Even after someone becomes vaccinated with these supposed highly efficient record timing vaccines, you still need to dawn the face mask!

By keeping people in masks, it keeps the fear alive, and if the fear is alive, then dictators can do as they wish. Folks, I hope it is obvious, this is all about The Great Reset.

Division Escalates

Doctor Atlas (Trump’s new Doctor) just said this in response to more dictatorship coming from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

This is a big deal.

Dr. Atlas is calling for people to stand up against the government. It is true, Whitmer continues to defy the order of state courts without a hitch. “We The People” are being pressed into a corner at every angle right now.

You saw The Left And Right Begin To Brawl in D.C. this weekend, now they want us to brawl over COVID-19. We are being directed to act by politicians or those acting in their stead.

Do not fall for the trap. All you need to do is take off the mask and refuse to follow illegal government decrees. If everyone did that, this would be over without bloodshed. Instead, some within the government want blood and division, this will all make it easier to implement a new global order after our current system is destroyed.

More Lockdowns

We all figured a second wave of COVID-19 would eventually come. We talked about it in Spring. It is the perfect way to keep this lie going.

The longer they shut down our businesses and way of life, the more economic damage that can be wrought. The more economic damage, the closer we come to The Great Reset.

Meanwhile, those California politicians are off to Maui despite pandemic travel warnings. They consider themselves kings, while we are the peons. They can do as they wish, they know better.

Unfortunately, our entire country has become this way. Look at the mess we are now in all while we are being divided over politicians.


They play both sides of this people.

They play the left and the right. That is why their plan is going to come to fruition. Not to leave God out of it, their plan will come to pass as it falls in line with His plan, God is in control.

However, you must understand they are using psychology against us, to divide us by playing from both sides of the argument. There is no good guy here.

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