Fauci: ‘Put Aside Personal Liberties And Realize Common Enemy Is The Virus’

Dr. Fauci only sees one thing, COVID and his image on television. He cannot “follow the science”, instead, Fauci only wants to press his will upon you.

Fauci is now brainwashing the public saying, all the sick and dying are unvaccinated.

Apparently, Fauci forgot his own interview from the other day.

He uses this made up fact to launch his next line

Put aside all of these issues of concern about liberties and personal liberties and realize we have a common enemy and that common enemy is the virus,” Fauci said. “And we really have to go together to get on top of this. Otherwise, we’re going to continue to suffer as we’re seeing right now.”

The last time I heard the line “common enemy”, it was about Islamic terrorism. Now it’s about an “invisible enemy” known as COVID.

Give me a break.

The fact is, Fauci is a madman.

There is no other way to put it or explain it.

He is mad, deluded, a certifiably insane crackpot.

At this point, everyone, including Fauci knows COVID is spawning into various variants. That means you cannot control it, that means all the mask and vaccine mandates go away, and Americans get their freedoms back.

Failure to acknowledge that at this point means, you are an enemy of the American people.

Now what did our Founding Fathers tell us about that?…

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