Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan Upon U.S. Withdrawl

It’s all over the news. As the United States withdraws, the Taliban has completely taken over Afganistan, all without firing a shot. The world is shocked.

We have a lot to cover today.

The United States withdrawing from Afganistan was a part of a deal brokered by the former Trump Administration and the Taliban last year. The Biden Administration is completing the execution of that deal by removing U.S. Forces.

Biden is getting blamed for the way the withdrawal has been handled which has been horrific! U.S. Troops were removed before civilians and other assets were removed from Afganistan, leaving them vulnerable.

In fact, the Taliban moved into the capital of Kabul with Americans still in harm’s way. This caused the Biden Administration to send 5,000 U.S. Troops back into Afghanistan.

So Biden pulled them out, to put them back in.


These people have no clue what they are doing.

It’s so bad, CNN of all news networks grilled Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Check it out.

Afghanistan’s Government Collapses

Official reports indicate, the Afghanistan government collapsed.

That’s one way of putting it.

More like the Afghan government folded up shop and allowed the Taliban to come in and take over. I mean from the reports I am reading, no shots were fired. The Taliban walked in unchecked after the United States left.

The Taliban swept into Afghanistan’s capital Sunday after the government collapsed and the embattled president joined an exodus of his fellow citizens and foreigners, signaling the end of a costly two-decade U.S. campaign to remake the country.

Once the United States left, the Afghani President bolded town.

This is almost unbelievable.

Heavily armed Taliban fighters fanned out across the capital, and several entered Kabul’s abandoned presidential palace.

“Heavily armed Taliban fighters”?

Abandoned presidential palace?

The Afghanistan government didn’t even put up a fight, they didn’t even try to!

20 Years Of Failure

Are we forgetting the United States of America has been in Afghanistan for 20 years now!

20 years training the Afghan military and security forces in “counter terrorism measures”?

Americans have been told for years, the U.S. cannot leave until the Afghans are properly trained, we cannot leave until the Taliban is destroyed, or we risk the nation falling back into Taliban hands.

Now look!

The United States has spent $2,261,000,000,000 dollars in Afghanistan.

That is $2.261 trillion dollars in Afghanistan, your tax dollars.

So how on earth was the Taliban who are tribesmen more heavily armed than the Afghan army?

Look at all the photos, the Taliban is armed with U.S. military hardware.

Where did they get it?

Common sense tells me, the money never went to the Afghanistan government, at least, not $2.261 trillion dollars. There have been lots of reports over the years of poppy production in Afganistan.

Where did our money go, cause it sure the hell wasn’t training the Afghans how to fight.

I have been saying it for as long as this site has been around. The United States should never, ever be involved in the foreign affairs of other nations. Our Founding Fathers taught us that. People like Ron Paul taught us that, and here we are 20 years later, learning the same lesson.

Biden is a fool, let’s all go ahead and just state that. However, this was going to happen no matter what. No matter how the U.S. pulled out, the Taliban was always there waiting to take it over. Yet, it happened on Biden’s watch, so he is responsible.

Another mare in a mare filled Presidency.

More On The Taliban Takeover

As night fell, Taliban fighters deployed across Kabul, taking over abandoned police posts and pledging to maintain law and order during the transition.

There was no fight.

Once the Afghan government knew the United States left, they abandoned ship and allowed the Taliban to takeover.

In a stunning rout, the Taliban seized nearly all of Afghanistan in just over a week, despite the billions of dollars spent by the U.S. and NATO over nearly 20 years to build up Afghan security forces.

A bunch of tribesmen took over an entire nation in a week, without opposition.

Yet, the United States has been there for 20 years fighting the same tribesmen?

I call bull and always have.

We have been lied to for decades by our Republican and Democrat ran governments.

If this does not show you how corrupt the United States government is, nothing will. All of our leaders are corrupt, all political parties. I wish Americans were as resolute in their beliefs as these tribesmen.

Frantic In Afganistan

With the Taliban now in control of Afghanistan, it’s becoming a very frantic place.

Afghans know their nation will now become a hard-line Islamic nation. The Afghans are so desperate to leave, look at them climb on this U.S. plane as it takes off.

Very sad.

The Taliban has now begun collecting firearms from Afghans saying,

We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians.

Wicked men always make such statements.

You should be reminded of your own government here in America.

Islamic Terror?

A part of me wonders if we are going to cycle back to the days of Islamic terror, or will this be another headline, here today, and gone tomorrow?

I say this with regard to this interview with a Taliban commander who said,

It’s our belief that one day mujahideen will have victory, and Islamic law will come not to just Afghanistan, but all over the world. We are not in a hurry. We believe it will come one day. Jihad will not end until the last day.

This is quite a reversal concerning the “war on terror”, and the United States nation building efforts. It once again proves, you cannot nation build. You cannot and should not intervene in other nations affairs.

Of course, this has all been about globalization. In fact, much of the Middle East has been adapted into a global structure, but we now see Afghanistan on the outs of that.

In light of my recent letter, I find this situation all the more interesting.

P.S. Look at the U.S. military hardware in these photos.

UK’s Johnson Blames Biden

Johnson said it was “fair to say the U.S. decision to pull out has accelerated things, but this has in many ways been a chronicle of an event foretold,” but urged Western leaders to work together to prevent Afghanistan from again becoming a “breeding ground for terrorism.” 

I think it is very important that the West should work collectively to get over to that new government – be it by the Taliban or anybody else – that nobody wants Afghanistan once again to be a breeding ground for terror and we don’t think it is in the interests of the people of Afghanistan that it should lapse back into that pre-2001 status,” Johnson told Sky News.


The Taliban is pro-Islamic Law (hard-line).

How exactly are they going to work with the Taliban?

If you listened to this interview with a Taliban commander, there is no working with those people. That is why Trump and friends put together the “Global Center For Combating Extremist Ideology”.

It is a part of destroying any opposition to globalization, but that just took a major set back in Afghanistan.

America, This Is A Setup

After reading numerous news reports on this event, something smells really rotten.

It is inconceivable to think, that after 20 years of U.S. training, the Afghan military and police force just walked away as soon as the United States left.

I mean, we are not talking about a weekend training class. We are talking about 20 years of training that cost billions and billions of dollars. Training and military hardware to fight the enemy.

Now the Taliban has it, as the Afghan military and police force, all in unison, walked off the job along with their President.

Why not fight as you have been trained and funded to do?

Maybe you never believed in that cause…

This whole thing seems like a setup, but for what?

This is a great diversion from all the truth coming out about the overhyped COVID virus/vaccine.

I want to point out something else…

This event proves, the United States’ war on terrorism has been a lie from the beginning. All that really happened, is our government took rights away from the American people.

Think about the “Department of Homeland Security” (DHS), the “TSA”, and naked body scanners at our airports.

The same DHS is now labeling Americans as terrorists for believing in our nation and its history. Biden has said, “Terrorism From White Supremacy Is The Most Lethal Threat To The Homeland”. The same Biden Administration that continues to fail, over, and over again while telling you, that you are the enemy.

While dividing us among race, religion, history, education, and our personal health beliefs.

The COVID-19 narrative has been used exactly like the war on terrorism has been used. In the end, Americans have ceded rights for perceived safety.

The same end result, all derived from different types of propaganda.

Will we ever wake up?

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