Federal Judge Rules First Amendment Can Be Infringed By Executive Power

Our rights are quite literally being stripped away from us each and every day, all while the world continues to scream for globalization. U.S. District Judge Jesus Bernal rejected a case brought against California which stated Governor Newsome violated the First Amendment.

Judge Bernal’s response,

“During the state of emergency the executive powers are in effect, in that they are empowered to provide for emergency remedies which may infringe on fundamental constitutional rights.”

This Judge is invalid, he is null and void. He is not a judge of the law, rather he is a violator of the law. He must be removed from office, judges do not make law, but rule by the law. People like this are a clear and present danger to the freedoms granted to us by the Constitution of the United States.

This clearly documents we are at a major, major crossroads in our nation’s history, and world history when we factor in the state of the globe.

California Bans Protests On State Property

On Monday, hundreds of demonstrators arrived in Sacramento to protest the lockdowns over the Coronavirus.

The Dailywire adds,

Despite having issued the permit to the protesters, California Highway Patrol, citing some demonstrators’ decision to violate the “social distancing” requirements, announced Wednesday that they will no longer issue permits for any protests at any state properties, including the Capitol — a decision that effectively bans residents from exercising their First Amendment-protected right to peacefully protest on state property.

Let’s get something straight here, We The People, do not need a permit to protest. That is a violation of our First Amendment rights, therefore our rights are being violated by an overbearing government.

Our rights are being violated over mass panic and fear from the Coronavirus that has a mortality rate of 0.1%. That means if you become infected you have a 99.9% chance of surviving!

We are in grave danger.

We are witnessing mass delusion and panic like never before in history, we were promised this day would come, and I believe it has now presented itself before us.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. – 2 Thessalonians 2:11

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