Trump: ‘Common Sense To Extend Social Distancing Until Summer Or Beyond’

When Trump was asked about extending social distancing until Summer, he said, “We may, and we may go beyond that”. Our nation has already suffered two months of lockdown, which is an erosion of our rights, and our livelihoods.

Trump continued and said,

“We’re going to have to see where it is. I think people are going to know just out of common sense. At some point, we won’t have to do that. But until we feel safe, we’re going to be extending.”

Here, listen to him say it yourself.

The Con Artists

How anyone could possibly support any of our politicians at this point is beyond me. Trump knew Coronavirus was bogus, he had a tweet about it, days later, Coronavirus was suddenly a crisis when he declared a national emergency over the death of 50 people.

Meanwhile, USC and LA Country published a report that explains Coronavirus kills just 0.1% of those infected. That is less than the Seasonal Flu.

The Shell Game

They are playing a shell game with us. They promise to lift the lockdown, and then when they get close, they have to keep it going. It is the oldest trick in the book, and the masses have bought into the lie.

Nearly everywhere we go now, people are wearing masks, all that does is play right into the lie.

I refuse to do that, I refuse to play into the lie and help it along.

We have done business with local companies, and they are wise enough NOT to wear masks. I respect them for it, and they respect me for the writing on my truck.

We Are In A Dangerous Place

Folks, we are in a very dangerous place right now. The economic conditions continue to worsen by the day.

Do you realize 6.4% of all mortgages are now in “forbearance plans”? Just last week that number jumped by nearly 500,000 more mortgages.


People have stopped paying their mortgage, either they cannot afford to, or they stopped as many others are stopping. Everyone smells another bailout coming.

Read that link, all of this amounts to $754 billion in unpaid mortgages!

Essentially, the only ones buying this mortgage debt is the Federal Reserve, they bought $60 billion last week alone. They are buying, as no one else is buying. There is not enough money in existence to pay for all of the unpaid debts including these mortgages. Folks, this outstanding amount is only a slice of the pie.

There will be even more, you do not need a crystal ball anymore to see into the future. It is going to be very, very grim.

The longer they keep the lockdowns in effect, the worse it will become, but then again, that is the plan. We are simply watching the actors play their part.

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