Federal Judge Strikes Down CDC Eviction Moratorium

A Federal Court Judge has stated the CDC does not have the authority to enforce an eviction moratorium.

“The Court recognizes that the Covid-19 pandemic is a serious public health crisis that has presented unprecedented challenges for public health officials and the nation as a whole. The pandemic has triggered difficult policy decisions that have had enormous real-world consequences. The nationwide eviction moratorium is one such decision,” Friedrich wrote in her opinion.

“It is the role of the political branches, and not the courts, to assess the merits of policy measures designed to combat the spread of disease, even during a global pandemic,” she continued. “The question for the Court is a narrow one: Does the Public Health Service Act grant the CDC the legal authority to impose a nationwide eviction moratorium? It does not.”


We have seen this happen before, the former rulings, and now this ruling are already being challenged. It is unclear what will happen moving forward. The never ending eviction memorandum started with President Trump and was continually extended, now existing under the Biden Administration.

In light of this news, rents for millions of American’s are soaring.

Nevertheless, we know some people have received enormous amounts of stimulus in addition to massive unemployment benefits. Though these people had the money to pay rent, they chose not to.

It is far past time that everyone at least tries to get back on their feet and move past this horrific situation that has gripped our world.

Montana Ends Federal Unemployment Benefits

This housing news also ties into some economic news out of Montana.

Beginning June 27, unemployed workers in Montana will no longer receive $300 in weekly extra benefits funded by the federal government through September 6. The state will launch a new program to give bonuses to unemployed individuals who return to work.


Montana Governor Gianforte said,

Montana is open for business again, but I hear from too many employers throughout our state who can’t find workers. Nearly every sector in our economy faces a labor shortage.

Many people have chosen to collect unemployment benefits and not pay rent, and many are also not going back to work as the unemployment benefits are too good.

In reality, the Federal unemployment program was a test for Universal Basic Income. It is good to see that coming to an end, at least in Montana. I am sure other states will follow suit if the shortage of workers continues.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

2 Thessalonians 3:10

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