Food Stamp Benefits Increase 40% Due To COVID-19

I heard about this yesterday, even social security has increased their benefits. I would love to know the number of people who are solely supported by the government.

For those who are solely supported by the government, why do they need a pay increase because of COVID-19?

Does COVID-19 magically make food stamps disappear at a 40% rate? I have not heard that one yet, maybe I should tune in to CNN to find out the truth!

The government is creating so many crisis, I have lost count. They are adding more, and more to our debt and getting people to depend on them more and more. Government is not our father or mother. Government was meant to define the very basic of laws, we like to call it the Constitution. For those who do not know what that is, here is a lesson.

AOC: ‘Illegals Deserve Their Fair Share’

Speaking of depending on the government, here is everyone’s favorite Democrat. They call her AOC, and she thinks illegal immigrants deserve their fair share of the stimulus checks.

Here is one of her rants.

“Undocumented people pay taxes. So these folks, the folks that are working the farms to feed us, the people that are delivering our groceries and driving us from one place to another or doing our laundry and cleaning our clothes and our homes—these people pay taxes,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “They pay for the very recovery funds that they are being cut out of on city state or federal levels, and so we have to make sure they get their fair share and that they are included.”

Most illegal immigrants pay no income tax at the state or federal level. So, they are not exactly paying their fair share then are they?

This is the state of politics in our nation, and in case you catch a case of Republicanism. Just remember which government endorsed and promoted you being locked down for 60 days and counting.

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