France Declares New State Of Emergency Over COVID, While Life Is Good In Sweden

Much of Europe is at it again. Freaking out over a supposed second wave of COVID. Pantheon Macroeconomics’ Chief Economist Ian Shepherdson said the cases of COVID are “out of control”. Nothing was said about deaths of course.

Meanwhile, France has declared a new state of panic, I mean emergency,

French President Emmanuel Macron announced later on Wednesday that nine of the country’s largest cities, including Paris, will have to abide by a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.  This starts on Saturday, will last for four weeks and means that residents of those cities will not be allowed out between those hours except in exceptional circumstances. “We have to act. We need to put a brake on the spread of the virus,” Macron said.


This has nothing to do with preventing the spread of COVID or anything else. This is a dictatorship exhorting authority over the people.

Can you really not see that?

Curfew from 9pm to 6am, that is in the night. Most people are at home anyway. This is utterly ridiculous and only shows how far some are going to change our world. These lockdowns are being used to condition the people to accept new levels of governmental control.

Meanwhile, we have wise doctors who have presented The Great Barrington Declaration. Yes, they are wise enough to know COVID is not the killer we have been taught it was.

Then we have Sweden.

All Is Well In Sweden

They have not gone full commie like the rest of the world. Sweden is known for having a “light touch” approach to COVID.

So how are they fairing?

Is there panic in the streets?

Face masks galore?

Let’s watch this video from a concerned Sweden.

You see folks. All is well. This has everything to do with government control/brainwashing. If a government tells you something is bad for you enough, you will believe it. Especially when the boot comes down.

In Sweden, they are not doing that and look how the people respond. They read the news around the world like you. The difference is, they do not see a problem around them. They do not see others wearing masks, therefore, they are not wearing masks.

It’s. conditioning people, it’s conditioning 101.

Think for yourself.

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