If You Gain The World, You Will Lose Your Soul

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Mark 8:36

As we cruise through life, many of us come to a point where we simply go through the motions. We wake up, we grab the coffee, we hit the road, and show up at work. We do this over and over again, and as often as we can to gain more wealth.

Good work ethics are a fantastic thing, so is providing for your family. However, there must be a happy medium here. We need to balance work with our family life and God. If all we set our heart on is to gain, then we have no room in our hearts for Jesus Christ.

That is the moral of His wise words here.

So what if we gain all the financial wealth in the world, if it means, we are left out of God’s Kingdom. You see, the world we live in today, it’s very temporary. It will not go on forever, neither will your life on it.

We Think Like The World

Friends, when we live in the world, and constantly consume what the world has to offer us. Then we become like the world, more often than not, without even realizing it. We begin to think like the world and do as the world.

We say within ourselves,

If I could only make another buck, I could buy this or that.

If I could only make another buck, I could do this or that.

You see, the “this or that’s” will never go away. There will always be some new “this or that”, that you would like to obtain, and that right there. That is our flesh talking to us, that is setting our sights on the earthly things, instead of the Heavenly things, (Colossians 3:2).

Instead of thinking, how much more can I gain today.

How about we say within ourselves,

  • How much more can I gain for God today?
  • How much more can I gain in Heaven?

Some may think, who cares, Heaven is far away!

Not as far away as you may think. Life goes pretty fast.

We Are God’s Family

God did not place us on earth so we can only worry about “self”. God put us here for His Pleasure, we are His Family, and we are supposed to treat each other like family, (Revelation 4:11). That is why Jesus said, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself,” (Matthew 19:19).

Your neighbor is apart of God’s Family, whether they are Christian or not. If they don’t want to obtain God’s Kingdom, that’s their business, but you know better. I can be certain of that as you are still reading. So give them a smile, and always reflect the Light within you for the world to see.

On top of making time for God, we need to make time for our family and children. Maybe it’s grandchildren in your case. We only have so many moments to spend with our children before they grow up into adults. That means we only have so many moments to share the Bible with them to ensure they are properly equipped to handle the world they will inherit.

If You Gain The World, You Will Lose Your Soul

The Bible provides us with a great example of today’s verse…

One of Satan’s downfalls was his concern about wealth and power, (Ezekiel 28:16). In his mind, he never had enough. There was always something more he wanted to obtain until it led him to the conclusion, that he wanted to become God. A dreadful sin.

Satan had everything anyone could have ever wanted, but it wasn’t enough. He traded the whole world for his own soul, make sure you don’t do the same.

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