The Georgia Guidestones Just Went Kablooey!

Yesterday, one of the pillars that made up the Georgia Guidestones was destroyed.

It was no accident.

Here’s some footage of the explosion as it happened.

Notice I said, “that made up the Georgia Guidestones”?

While the monument still stood after the explosion, the damage was extensive. Authorities made the decision to completely demolish the Satanic monument citing safety concerns.

Personally, I was quite shocked to hear about the explosion, and the monuments demolition.

This monument has stood for 43 years as a witness to the agenda of radical globalists. Globalists who etched in stone their desire for the reduction of the global population down to just 500 million souls.

Am I sad to see it go?

The Georgia Guidestone Ruins – image source: WYFF4

Not in the least.

In fact, I see a little symbology at play here, even if it’s only in my mind.

The Georgia Guidestones have always been anti-American, anti-humanity. Yet, this monument was destroyed just two weeks after the Supreme Court struck down the anti-humanitarian abortion ruling, Roe v Wade.

Ironically enough, it comes just a week after our article, “The World Order Has Been Broken”.

After generations of things always going in the wrong direction, a few things are starting to go in the right direction.

Do you know why?

God is in control.

We have now reached a point of mainstream liberal insanity. The liberal world order is so desperate for power, they are reaching in all the wrong places.

Their mantras of “diversity,” “inclusion,” and “unity” are now being proven as fables and lies. A glimmer of light has uncovered the darkness of their feel good words that only divide our nation and world. We have never been unified by the liberal ideology, but we have been broken and divided by it.

Now, more and more people are realizing that.

More and more Americans are fed up, hence the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones.

It’s a shot across the bow of globalist pigs. Those who seek to enslave humanity through taxation and laws that only benefit a few, while controlling the rest of humanity through superficial laws and financial warfare.

Also, through cons like “man-made climate change” and “green energy”. In fact, the European Union just voted to re-classify “nuclear” and “fossil fuel natural gas” as “green energy”.


Russia is cutting back the amount of energy it’s sending to Europe due to their ongoing sanctions. So the fact of the matter is, even the radical liberals don’t believe in “green energy”. Their definitions and tunes change depending on the day and the circumstances.

France is even firing up a coal fired power plant so they can keep warm this winter.

That’s always the way these globalist stooges have worked. They do what is best for them and make excuses for their actions. Jesus called those types, “hypocrites,” (Matthew 23:27). If they really cared for Mother Earth, they would have not reclassified “nuclear” and “gas” as “green energy”.

As I traveled the web this morning for pictures of “The Georgia Guidestone Ruins,” I caught an interesting bit. Some people were calling the explosion an act of terrorism. I just shook my head.

  • Where were the calls of terrorism when radical liberals tore down our monuments?
  • Where were the calls of terrorism when city officials tore down our monuments under the cover of darkness?

We had no such calls did we?

No, instead we heard that those monuments were racist.

We were told they represented a dark past of our nation.

You know what I say?

…He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone…

John 8:7

We have all made mistakes, we have all sinned. Our ancestors certainly sinned as well. Yet, the people crying the loudest about racism or how the Indians lost their land, really don’t mind squatting on their land and enjoying the benefits this nation has to offer, do they?

More and more red-blooded Americans are seeing through this veil of darkness.

We are mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore.

The destruction of the Georgia Guidestones is symbolic of good overcoming evil. In my opinion, this monument was a testament to Satan’s future global order. One day, he will be as these stones, ruble. Scripture even tells us, Satan’s order will be destroyed by the true Rock, Jesus Christ, (Daniel 2:34). Yes, the destruction of the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.

This event may even be prophetic of America, overcoming globalization… We are not there yet, but never forget, once globalization arrives full center, it receives a wound by a sword.

My friends, this is exactly why I told everyone during 2020 to never give up. Even when it felt like we had no hope left. Christians never surrender to evil. We never lay down our sword of truth. We fight until the very end.

Now, what’s in that time capsule buried 6ft below?

Was it mind games and propaganda?

Go get the shovels.

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