Putin: Western New World Order Is Doomed

The amount of manipulation we are subjected to on a daily basis is mind boggling. Many of us don’t even realize it’s happening, but it is. I am not just talking about the mainstream media, but alternative and social media which are all influenced by the same sources.

Rarely, if ever, do we seek news sources outside of our own nations.

Yet, in the days we find ourselves in, that’s exactly what we must do.

Just the other day, I caught a clip about Russian President Vladimir Putin “threatening” the West. So I tracked down his quote to the Kremlin’s own site so I could read it for myself. Once again, I found myself surprised, in a positive way, by the words of the Russian President.

I must say, I find it very sad when a foreign leader understands the state of the people in America more than our own leaders do. At this point, you’re probably scratching your head, so let me share with you several quotes from Putin’s speech, and we will talk about it as we go.

Putin On The West

The so-called collective West led by the United States has been extremely aggressive towards Russia for decades. Our proposals to create a system of equal security in Europe have been rejected. Initiatives for cooperation on the issue of missile defence were rejected. Warnings about the unacceptability of NATO expansion, especially at the expense of the former republics of the Soviet Union, were ignored. Even the idea of Russia’s possible integration into this North Atlantic alliance at the stage of our, as it seemed then, cloudless relations with NATO, apparently, seemed absurd to its members.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin

Everything Putin just stated is predominately unknown to Western citizens. Putin is correct, the West, through NATO has expanded where it formerly agreed it would not. This has caused all the strife in Ukraine.

The West simply brushes it off saying, “sovereign nations have a right to make deals with whom they choose.”

Long ago, men used to honor their word. I suppose, that’s when we had honorable men.

When we put it all together, we know why the West is pressing so hard in Ukraine, and around the globe. To expand the Liberal World Order, the globalist empire that is now beginning to crumble.

Note: Don’t think only liberals have sought to expand this empire, so have so called “conservatives”. You should note, we are still a part of the UN, NATO and so many other global bodies. Bodies that do not serve the interests of American citizens.

Notice what Putin said about Russia joining NATO. We talked about this in the past. Putin has discussed this several times in the last 6 months. I think it’s truly something in the back of his head, wondering, why…

The West Started The War

We will continue to quote Putin.

“We are being told, we hear some people say that we started the war in Donbass, in Ukraine. No, the war was unleashed by the collective West, which organised and supported the unconstitutional armed coup in Ukraine in 2014, and then encouraged and justified genocide against the people of Donbass. The collective West is the direct instigator and the culprit of what is happening today.”

“Russia propaganda,” or the truth?

It’s a fact, the Ukrainian government has been attacking its own citizens in the Donbas for eight years now.


Said citizens are predominately Russian. If you recall from our past articles, Ukraine recently passed legislation defining what “indigenous peoples” are, and they could not be of Russian descent. That’s part of the genocide Putin just spoke of.

You won’t hear that on CNN, CBS, or even Fox News though.

Now for the meat and potatoes…

Putin On The Fall Of The Liberal World Order

Putin now speaks concerning the Russian “operation” in Ukraine.

…“this operation also means the beginning of a radical breakdown of the US-style world order. This is the beginning of the transition from liberal-globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world based not on self-serving rules made up by someone for their own needs, behind which there is nothing but striving for hegemony, not on hypocritical double standards, but on international law and the genuine sovereignty of nations and civilisations, on their will to live their historical destiny, with their own values and traditions, and to align cooperation on the basis of democracy, justice and equality.”

Putin believes, the liberal world order is breaking down. In large part to their involvement in Ukraine. While the mainstream media would love for you to believe everyone is against Russia, that’s not really the case.

Had the West kept their nose out of Ukraine, this war would have been over just as fast as it started. Yet, the West continues to fund and arm Ukraine. In fact, the West is currently engaged in a proxy war against Russia.

That’s nothing new for Western nations though. They have spent the last 30 years killing millions of Arabs in the Middle East. To keep them over there, so they are not over here we were told. Yet, as time marched on, our nations take in so many refugees that we are now overrun.

Our cultures are rotting, and nearly in ruins.

If you don’t believe me, just turn on the news and read about teens beating an old man to death with a construction cone. Someone being set on fire, or teens destroying a restaurant over dipping sauce.

But I digress…

Notice what Putin said,

“This is the beginning of the transition from liberal-globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world.”

Multipolar world.

Meaning, many nations ruling not just one called America.

Any true global world order has to be led by many nations. Where many nations have a say in the matter. Otherwise, they are simply being lorded over by one nation. A true world order of Biblical proportions must have the say of many nations.

Even the book of Daniel hints at such things.

As I have said for years, everyone wants a world order, even Putin. However, it’s not as you think of it. In Putin’s mind, a world order is one where there is International Law, yet, nations are still sovereign. Nations would still live according to their own values and traditions.

You should note, the West long ago did away with our values and traditions. Our political leaders and pundits deemed them, racist, intolerant and discarded them to the waste bins of history.

Not in Russia.

From my understanding, neither has Russia allowed their nation to be overrun by immigration.

The Western New World Order Is Doomed

“Everyone should understand that this process cannot be stopped. The course of history is inexorable, and the collective West’s attempts to impose its new world order on the rest of the world are doomed.”

Western policies from the last 30-50 years have been utter failures. Our nations have transformed, but not for the better. This is also one reason why the current world order is doomed.

Let me remind you, there can be no new world order, until the old world order is broken. We seem to be witnessing that take place in slow motion.

Time will tell.

Public Manipulation

“Today, these ruling elites are raising the degree to which they manipulate the public consciousness right before our eyes. The ruling classes of the Western countries, which are supranational and globalist in nature, realised that their policies are increasingly detached from reality, common sense and the truth, and they have started resorting to openly despotic methods.”

Yes, this is still Putin’s quote.

Let’s continue.

The West, which once declared such principles of democracy as freedom of speech, pluralism and respect for dissenting opinions, has now degenerated into the opposite: totalitarianism. This includes censorship, media bans, and the arbitrary treatment of journalists and public figures.

These kinds of prohibitions have been extended not only to the information space, but also to politics, culture, education, and art – to all spheres of public life in the Western countries. And, they are imposing this on the world; they are trying to impose this model, a model of totalitarian liberalism, including the notorious cancel culture of widespread bans.”

Who is going to tell me with a straight face that Putin made that up?

We have all experienced this.

We all know that’s the fact of the matter.

However, the truth and reality is that the people in most of these countries do not want this life or this future, and really do not want the formal semblance of sovereignty, they want substantive, real sovereignty and are simply tired of kneeling, of humiliating themselves before those who consider themselves exceptional, and of serving their interests even to their own detriment.”

Did Putin nail how red-blooded Americans feel?

I think so.

We don’t want a “semblance” of our former sovereignty. We want all of it. We want our culture and history back. We don’t want to take a knee for someone else’s ideology. Their woke ideology is sick, it’s anti-God, and we want none of it.

“To The Last Ukrainian”

Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. Well, what can I say? Let them try. We have already heard a lot about the West wanting to fight us “to the last Ukrainian.” This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, but that seems to be where it is going. But everyone should know that, by and large, we have not started anything in earnest yet.”

The first sentence in bold, that’s the clip that I caught.

That were not a threat, only the words of a man set to defend his people.

The second portion in bold was actually cut out of most media reports. However, other media outlets actually twisted Putin’s words into a headline saying, “Russia ready to fight until the ‘last Ukrainian is left standing’

This is how our people have been brainwashed.

Through the manipulative forces of our media and government.

One more quote.

“At the same time, we are not rejecting peace talks, but those who are rejecting them should know that the longer it goes on, the harder it will be for them to negotiate with us.”

Have you noticed that, there have been no peace talks.

All the West seems hell bent on doing is funding Ukraine with more arms. This equals more bloodshed and all for what?

More money and power.

The age old struggle of the wicked.


Every single time I hear Putin speak, I hear a true leader. I hear someone who seems to actually care for the Russian way of life. Unlike our political leaders who busy fighting and bickering. Even using foul language against their political opponents and mocking their children.

I think Putin’s right, the liberal world order is falling a part.

One way or another, our way of life is not sustainable. A nation cannot have politicians acting as ours do. They cannot sell out the people time and time again, and our nation still be blessed and prosperous.

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