Germany Decrees COVID Camps For Quarantine Breakers

Under Germany’s new law, German’s who repeatedly break quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19 will be placed into a detention center; aka: COVID Camp under police guard no less.

Officials in the state of Saxony — which is experiencing one of the worst outbreaks in the European nation — have already approved plans to hold quarantine-breakers in a fenced-off section of a refugee camp, the Telegraph said.

New York Post

In reality, COVID-19 is not the virus it has been advertised as.

Yet, governments continue to lockdown their citizens and remove their rights. In fact, it was back in August when New Zealand Decreed ‘Mandatory COVID-19 Quarantine Camps’. Now it is Germany.

All of these draconian government mandates are due to the COVID-19 narrative. A narrative that has been debunked over and over again. Yet, those facts are banished from mainstream and social media, and they are replaced with fear and lies.

We should remember, we have been told numerous times now by medical professionals that COVID-19 will be with us forever.

So what purpose do the lockdowns serve?

Lockdowns have dramatically increased mental instability, murder, rape, domestic violence, and so on. Far more damage than this virus could be to the global population.

In my opinion, COVID-19 is simply serving as the cover for the next phase of global government which is now being forced on us. We are also seeing this in the form of limits on our speech on the internet.

Truth is being replaced with lies so the only information left is lies that simply condition us to accept this new radical global agenda.

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