God Hears The Prayers Of The Righteous

The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

Psalms 34:17

Today, Christians face many afflictions in the world. We can quite literally feel the world begin to close in on us, and there is not much opposition to it.

Then we have the everyday troubles of life. Broken families and friendships, worries about our employment, rent, and so on.

This can make us feel lonely, depressed, and our Christian beliefs can even add to our troubles in life. Jesus told us this would happen, but He said we would be blessed for it, (Matthew 5:3-12). Never forget that.

No matter what our problems are, no matter how big or small, we can take comfort in Psalms 34:17.


It is another promise from God.

Did you take note of that?

When the righteous cry, the LORD, that is Jehovah hears you. Not only does God hear you, but He promised to deliver you out of all your troubles.

Do not lose sight of that, do not lose sight of what God said.

God did not say we would have no troubles in life. God did not even say we do not have to endure those troubles. God did say, He will hear our cries for help, and He will save us when our troubles become too much for us to bear, (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Life’s Troubles Make Us Stronger

We all will have problems in life, that is just a part of walking this old earth. Problems build character and help make us who we are. Anyone can thrive when times are good, but when times get tough, that’s when we really figure out who is who.

That is when we figure out who really loves God. That is when we figure out who will stand with Him through fire and ice. In fact, during the Tribulation, it is explained the Saints will be “tried” which means they are “refined” by their troubles, (Daniel 11:35).

So if you are suffering troubles, remember, it’s going to refine you if you stay true to God. Those troubles are going to make you a better and stronger Christian. Even if you cannot see that right now, understand and know it is true.

Never forget, just because you are enduring troubles does not mean you are alone. God is always with us, even through fire. He is with us every step of the way, (see: Footprints In The Sand).

Trust In God And Be Blessed

Psalms 34:8
O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

We know God hears our righteous prayers, and we know He said He will deliver us out of all our troubles, but do you really believe it?

If you want to claim His Promises, you have to truly believe in them, and I would encourage you to also remind Him of the Promises He has made to you, (Isaiah 43:26).

Friends, those that put their trust in God, those that place their faith and hope in Him are those who are blessed by Him. God’s Blessings will endure forever, and the Saints will inherit His Eternal Kingdom with Christ.

How can anything else even compare?

Psalms 36:7
How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.

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