The God Of Peace

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.

Philippians 4:9

What exactly are “those things” that the Philippians learned?

Verse eight provides the answer.

  • Things are true
  • Things are honest
  • Things are just
  • Things are pure
  • Things are lovely
  • Things are of good report

Paul led by providing a positive example for others to follow.

After his conversion, he led a good Christian life by helping to spread the Gospel throughout the known world. He led by keeping “those things” as virtues. Truly, they are the characteristics of a good Christian and those characteristics come from Jesus Christ.

So this is yet another example for us to follow.

Fathers, mothers and those in other leadership roles. You always want to lead your family or those under you by setting a Christian example for them to follow. This will bring the “God of peace” into your heart. God will be with you, as you are with Him, and you’re working in your own way to nurture along more Christians.

That’s such a fantastic thing!

That’s exactly why people like Paul and the other Apostles were imprisoned. They were imprisoned by men for sharing God’s Word with the world.

Do you know why?

To Godless men, the Word of God is a threat. It teaches us how to be free through Jesus. It teaches us the powers of the world are influenced by Satan. The source of wickedness. It teaches us to always stand firm in our faith, and our reward is eternal life.

Standing firm for God may be difficult at times, but it brings true peace from the God of peace, Jehovah.

On the other hand, wicked men and the powers of this world cannot stand the peace that God brings. They thrive on chaos, distractions, and division to rule. That’s how they get ahead, but their time out front is very limited my friends. It’s confined to this very short life we are living.

Men and the powers of this world cannot control truly faithful men and women of God. Therefore, they’re a threat, and when we stand for God, we don’t allow the lusts of this world to pervert our mind and mission.

Instead, we stay laser focused on the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely and through these things we have a “good report.” Essentially, that’s our good reputation.

That’s why people like Paul were imprisoned.

The rules of the world don’t matter to us, only the rules of God.

You cannot control men and women like that. They’re dangerous to the world, that’s why we are not a part of the world. Instead, we live everyday of our life by those virtues to ensure we and those around us are in the world to come.

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