Pelosi’s Visit Stirs Up The Chinese Dragon

So she did it.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi went to Taiwan.

Now, queue Chinese rage…

There it is, in the form of missile tests and fighter jets filling the skies around Taiwan.

The Biden administration has officially distanced itself from Pelosi’s visit. Just a week ago, Biden said it was “not a good time” to visit Taiwan. Of course, Biden said that as China threatened military action if Pelosi made the visit.

Do you really think Pelosi went against Biden and made the trip?

Who knows.

However, you really have to ask yourself, why now?

Why make that trip right now with heightened tensions?

When we think about the current state of the world, the answer becomes a bit more clear.

China, Russia Exit Liberal Stage

China and Russia have both left any semblance of the liberal world order. This has become very evident by observing the war in Ukraine. In fact, China blamed the United States for the Ukrainian war back in February, and again just two weeks ago.

This is actually what the Chinese Foreign Ministry said,

“As the one who started the Ukraine crisis and the biggest factor fueling it, the US needs to deeply reflect on its erroneous actions of exerting extreme pressure and fanning the flame on the Ukraine issue.”

Spokesman Zhao Lijian

So there you have it.

China and Russia are done playing Western style world order. They have noted how global policy only leads to the benefit of Western nations. They have witnessed how Western nations have become “woke”.

Russia and China both embrace their own culture, not the multicultural world of the West.

So this has now become, A Battle For The New World Order. Yet, The World Order Has Been Broken, but that will not stop the West from trying to grab and consolidate more power. However, Russia and China have their own plans, and that includes launching a new reserve currency.

So why did Pelosi make the visit?

To ensure they do not lose a nation to those who oppose their globalist vision. Not just a globalist vision, but the woke ideology that has gripped so many Western nations, and its sympathizers.

It just so happens that Taiwan is a liberal government. Not only are they a liberal government, but Taiwan makes the most computer chips of any nation on the planet. We will be told, the United States cannot afford to lose Taiwan as an alley.

So this begs the question…

War With China

If at some point, China stops sabre-rattling, and actually attacks Taiwan, should the U.S. intervene?

I say, “No”.

I’m not afraid of China. If our military was ever unleashed, it would reign hell on China in quick order.

This is my issue…

America is constantly sending our men and women to die in foreign lands for other peoples conflicts. I am sick and tired of it. Let them die for their own conflict, if they truly believe in the cause.

I’ve never lost a family member in war, but I certainly feel for those who do. Not only does it cost American lives, but our wealth to boot.

Have we all forgotten about the 20 year failure called, Afghanistan?

How about Iraq, Syria, Libya, and so on…

What did our nation accomplish in any of those places?

Certainly nothing for Americans.

Certainly nothing for Afghani’s, Iraqi’s, etc.

Many will say, but “we must protect American interests”.

American Interests In Foreign Lands

Ahh yes, American interests in foreign lands.

What exactly are those interests?

To a large degree, business and investments made by decades of horrible Federal government decisions. Government policy and taxation pushed greedy corporations out of our nation, and into foreign lands.

Why do you think Taiwan has so much of the semi-conductor business?

It’s cheaper to produce there. To hell with American jobs, the boys at the top want a cherry on their pie! So they outsourced our jobs to foreign lands, which built up those nations. That is called, squandering our blessings, you never want to do that.

So America has reaped what she has sown.

Now she is faced with the Chinese dragon, a nation who is now attempting to challenge the world’s sole superpower, the United States. This was made possible by greed. By funneling our jobs and resources to China as it was cheaper.

Many of us rebuffed buying Chinese products, until they became so common you could only purchase Chinese products. Yes, you can thank our Federal Government and greedy corporations for the rise of China. It certainly wasn’t an accident or some grand design on their part. They simply took advantage of our stupidity.

Let me show you something.

This chart is from the World Bank. You are looking at the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the United States and China since 1960.

Look at China come roaring from the bottom.

Let’s break this down a bit…

I started the graph movement from the year 2000. However, you can see China’s GDP popped around 1993. So let’s look at GDP numbers between the two nations in 10 year increments.

1990 GDP

  • United States = $5,963,144.00
  • China = $360,857.91

In 1990, China’s GDP placed them 11th in the world.

2000 GDP

  • United States = $10,250,948.00
  • China = $1,211,346.87

In 2000, China jumped to 6th place in global GDP.

2010 GDP

  • United States = $15,048,964.44
  • China = $6,087,163.87

In 2010, China had now reached 2nd place in global GDP, right behind the U.S.

2020 GDP

  • United States = $20,893,743.83
  • China = $14,687,673.89

In 2020, China was still in 2nd place, but in just 10 years, their GDP more than doubled, while the U.S. grew by 25%.

Since 1990, U.S. GDP grew by roughly 400%, while China’s grew by 4000%.

We are talking about 4 times growth, compared to 40 times growth.

So my point to you…

Who created the Chinese dragon?

The United States of America did. Our politicians have known this information for decades, but did little to change the course of history.


Their biscuit was getting buttered, that’s why. Instead of taking action and ensuring we bring manufacturing and our jobs back home, they kicked the can down the road.

So should it come to a question of war, the American people should never support it. Instead, we should immediately demand our Congressmen, Senators and local government bring our jobs back home. Start investing in America and bring our blessings home.

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