Here Comes The Election Propaganda

Alright, so here we are folks. November 4th, and we still do not know who is going to be the next President of the United States. Surprised? Not really right?

We stayed up pretty late last night watching the numbers come in. MI, WI, PA, NC, and GA were all leaning towards Trump. In three of those states, Trump had a very slight margin over Biden. However, many ballots remained to be counted.

This morning I see the race in MI and WI has become closer with Biden having a slight edge over Trump. Not surprising though considering those are Democrat states. However, this news triggered President Trump to address the American people with this message.

His tone is certainly more somber than his typical persona. Unfortunately, at about the 7-minute mark, Trump called the elections a fraud as he thinks he might lose, and stating they are going to the Supreme Court.

Folks, I don’t care if you are R or D. This is bogus, his attitude, but it’s to be expected from someone so boastful. Trump set up doubt over the election months ago when he started complaining about mail in ballots.

Personally, we have always done mail-in ballots, several of our friends have as well. It’s nothing new. It’s only been made out to appear as if it’s new. All this does is cause more confusion and division between the American people.

So we have both the R’s and D’s causing confusion and division in our nation. This is beyond normal. They are seeking to fracture the people more than ever before to pit each of us against each other. This is how you destroy a nation. It does not matter if that is what Biden or Trump wants personally, that is what is happening, that is the goal. They are simply being steered in this direction.

Election Results Pending

Nevada will not have any more election results until Thursday. Meanwhile, Pennsylvania is not expected to have results until Friday.

Twitter Blocks Trump

Radical left Twitter is once again blocking President Trump’s Tweets.

Here are several Tweets from the President this morning. Some of them have been blocked, others were not. Look at the trend though, look at the words from your President.

These are not the words of a wise and astute man. These are the words of a reality TV star looking for ratings. These are the words of a child. We should not be surprised after The Presidential Debacle.

We are not Biden fans, he is so anti-God it is not funny. However, we are not going to blindly follow any man, we are Christians, we follow Christ, and our goal is to point out the truth to you.

Trump cannot save you, but Jesus Christ can.

For The Record

The elections have been a fraud for a very long time. Not just because Trump is concerned he may not win. There has been voter fraud for years and years.

Remember the 2016 elections?

Before Trump and Clinton were named the nominee for their respective party. All the polls showed America did not want either of them. Yet, they were our selections for President anyway. So from jump street, we never had a choice. That is in fact fraud, a fraud on the American people.

We are then guilted and led to believe we must vote, as if our vote really matters at the Presidential level. If you recall, Hilary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016, yet the Electoral vote made Trump the President.

Last night as we watched the numbers, Biden constantly held the popular vote by 1-3 million votes.

I would like you to recall these two articles to add some perspective to what I have just outlined.

The Echo Chamber

Also, before you join Fox News and the mainstream conservative echo chamber. Remember how Trump handled the Presidential Debate. The CDC had just come out and said only 9,683 Americans died from COVID alone.

Instead of reminding the American people about that, Trump argued and fought with Biden like a child. Also remember, it was Trump who declared a national emergency when only 50 Americans died, all just a week after Trump himself said COVID was a farce.

He brought this on himself, and upon our nation, and upon your household. He could have been the hero who did not promote locking down our nation while the world suffered, but he didn’t.

Friends, a man must be responsible for his own actions.

Election Coverage

We have used both Fox and NBC.

I prefer the NBC map over the Fox map myself. However, the Fox map has a “Counties” button which is interesting. It lists how each county in the nation voted. As usual, it’s red by a long shot, which shows just how messed up our voting system really is.

The big radical left cities are getting a say over rural and low population America, and that is not right. The radical left, the communists have always sought to corral the people in large population centers. That is Satan’s way, and that way, it makes it easier to control what the people think.

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