We’re On The Highway To Hell

If you thought hell on earth already existed, then buckle up buddy, things are just getting started.

We haven’t even entered hell just yet, but we’re on the highway to it. We take a quick glance in our rearview mirror, and we only see the on-ramp we just left. We bring our spiritual vehicles up to speed. Looking down the road, there’s no off-ramps, just this highway that leads to us to fire and brimstone.

So what hell faces us down this devious road?

Let me tell you…

The Houthis, the rebellious rebels of Yemen continue to launch attacks on Israeli, and now, U.S. ships in the Red Sea. In case you missed it, the Houthis are doing this as a form of protest against Israel’s war in Gaza.

Well, Joe Biden said enough of the ship attacks, but the Houthis didn’t listen.

So Joey ordered numerous airstrikes on Yemen.

How’s that working out?

Let’s just say, it hasn’t stopped the Houthis.

In fact, even Biden admitted the airstrikes are not phasing these rebellious rebs. That means, the U.S. will launch even more airstrikes on the impoverished nation, which will become even more impoverished. You should know, the Houthis are religious radicals, but then again, who isn’t a radical these days?

I mean, madmen are running our world in case you haven’t noticed.

Apparently they’ve been to hell, and they want the rest of us to join them.

I think I’ll pass, but the next lane offers no relief on this hot and dusty road. Unfortunately, no matter what we do, we’re still racing down this fiery highway with no end in sight.

As common folk that is…

Now, if we ran the world, we’d realize the reason the Houthis are attacking is due to the United States support of Israel. You do realize, over 25,000 Gazans have been whacked by Israeli troops? Not everyone is excited about that, the Houthis are one such example.

So what’s going on here is a clear example of why I always say the United States needs to mind our own business. When you don’t do that, you open the gates of hell. By standing with Israel, you are standing against someone else. If you just mind your own business, you stay neutral.

Ahh, but I’m no world leader, I’m just a fellow traveler with you on this spiritually dangerous highway.

Ohh wait, look ahead, there’s more fire and brimstone awaiting us…

Iran who is a big supporter of the Houthis is all over the news. Why Iran recently deployed their “Revolutionary Guard” into Yemen.

This is what were told about Iranian…

“Commanders and advisors from Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are on the ground in Yemen and playing a direct role in Houthi rebel attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea.”


You see that?

Whether or not that is true, it doesn’t matter. The media and government just want you to hate Iran. The picture is being painted, that Iran and the Houthis are the cause of the ship attacks, when in reality, it was caused due to U.S. support of Israel in the murder of 25,000 Gazans.

So the Israeli war begins to escalate, all due to a chunk of land smaller than New Jersey.

Yes, this highway to hell is beginning to become more hellish. If you haven’t started driving defensively just yet, then you better take evasive action, look ahead…

The other day, Iran launched a missile strike on an Israeli Mossad spy headquarters in Iraq. That’s what is being reported anyway, believe what you want. Just make sure you steer clear of that wreck.

Next up, more fender benders…

Iran launched another missile attack. This time, on rebels in Pakistan. I don’t think 24 hours even passed before Pakistan launched retaliatory strikes on Iran.

No, I’m not making this up!

Oh, but it gets better…

Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu recently rebuffed U.S. concern to halt the genocide in Gaza. Okay, so they didn’t call it genocide, but what else do you call it?

Bibi rebuffed.

Yep, the same Bibi who continues to receive all the military gear from the United States.

In case you’re wondering, we’re not done with Iran just yet…

The other day, Bibi was asked, why is Israel conducting attacks on Iranian proxies rather than just directly attacking the county.

Bibi said,

“Who says we are not attacking Iran, we are attacking.”

Times of Israel

Whoa nellie!

Someone just turned up the thermostat in hell, and we’re so close now, we can feel the heat radiate from the pit as we cruise toward the vast chasm. No problem, we’ll just crank up the air-conditioning as we continue down this hellish highway.


Change lanes, here comes more danger!

A “hot phase” is brewing between the East and West.

You know, China, Russia, and so on.

The Chinese are still pondering a takeover of Taiwan, a little more loudly now than in the past. The Russians are still dug into Ukrainian soil and aren’t letting up. Meanwhile, the West is about out of bloody bullets and missiles, so much so, they don’t even have enough for their own needs.

Hey, never stretch yourself too thin in life, it’s bad practice.

But what do I know…

Then, just the other day, Russian President Vlad Putin said of Ukraine,

“If things carry on this way, Ukrainian statehood could be dealt an irreparable and very serious blow.”

We all know what that means.

Ukraine is out of other peoples dough, they’re old men are doing all the fighting, and their down to their last bullet. But that hasn’t stopped ol Zelensky from begging for more inflated cash at the Davos summit.

Watch out Ukraine, your days might be numbered, and watch out for that truck!

That was a close one, but now we can see the gates of hell beginning to open…

If the whole Middle East thing isn’t bad enough, NATO is now preppin’ for an “all out war” with Russia. In fact, NATO just announced their largest military exercise in decades next week, it’ll involve 90,000 troops simulating a conflict with Russia.

Britain’s Defense Secretary Grant Shapps just delivered a hellish speech.

He said,

Were “moving from a post-war to a pre-war world.’


Great, this hellish highway is so hot now, the air-conditioning in our spiritual vehicle just petered out.

Shapps had more to say,

“The era of the peace dividend is over. In five years’ time we could be looking at multiple theatres involving Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.”


‘No peace, only war,’ scream the madmen!

Keep your eye on the road, there’s more danger…

“Estonia believes that NATO has three to five years to prepare for a possible direct confrontation with Russia.”


Danger, danger…

There’s a six car pileup, veer right!..

A newsflash comes across our radio dial from the Germans…

German classified documents show Russia could expand its war on Ukraine by attacking NATO ally countries next year, according to reports.”


Ohh boy…

We’re so close to hell now, the fire and brimstone from it are beginning to rain down on this hellish highway.

It’s going to be tough to avoid danger now…

“It’s been described as a bombshell moment. The upper echelons of Sweden’s government and defence forces last week shocked the nation by explicitly warning that war might come to Sweden, and that each and every Swede should prepare themselves.”



There it is, hell is right before our eyes.

If our wise men were wise, they would recognize the imminent peril we’re in…

They would recognize that it is they who paved this highway to hell. They paved it with uncountable bullets, missiles, and fiat currency deposited into Ukrainian bank accounts. They paved it with dollars converted into shekels and bunker buster bombs freely given to Israel to kill and maim.

Our not so wise men paved this highway to hell, the one we’re barreling down.

We’re a quarter mile from hell now.

Our hope begins to fade…

But wait, what’s that?..

It’s a bright light in the sky, the clouds quickly depart, but only above our spiritual vehicles. Just as the heat on this hellish highway becomes too unbearable, with hell dead ahead, a dome of comfort is placed around us. The hellish heat ceases, and an offramp appears, we veer right just in time…

To escape our hellish fate.

“…God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”

1 Corinthians 10:13
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