Wealthy Scoundrels Slaughter Our Minds

Are you noticing just how upside down everything is?

I feel like I’m in The Twilight Zone.

World leaders continually mask their agenda and pass it off as something good for their people. It doesn’t matter what nation, they all do it. They’ll tell you, “We need to do this for X, Y, and Z.”

People wave their flags.

World leaders always promise to change things for the better, but things never really get better.

Today, we have a couple raging wars that are turning into numerous other war fronts. The war is spanning outside of those nations. That’s very concerning. It’s concerning for you and I. If war becomes more widespread, this is harmful to us all, but some people are profiting off the wars.

They always do.

Isn’t that awful?

Profiting off of blood and death.


So what am I getting at here?

Just some things I ran across this morning that I want to share with you.

In the early 1900s, Vladimir Lenin who founded the Soviet Union penned a letter to the American people. I never knew he did that, until today that is. It’s an extremely long letter, but a few things jumped out at me that I wanted to share with you.

Lenin said,

…at the present time the American revolutionary workers have to play an exceptionally important role as uncompromising enemies of American imperialism the freshest, strongest and latest in joining in the world-wide slaughter of nations for the division of capitalist profits.”


Essentially, Lenin was petitioning the American working class to stand against their government.


“American imperialism.”

Yes, back then it was understood that America was an imperialist nation. We don’t really hear that word anymore, but our leaders are in fact, “imperialists.” The very word means,

“A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.”

Come on, we can’t say it’s not true.

Just because Lenin was a Commie, that doesn’t mean he didn’t say some true things.

Look, even today, America is an imperialist nation. We wage war on “enemies” for some cause or policy. Our politicians tell us it’s to “fight terrorism” or to “keep us safe” over here. In the next breath, we open our borders and let the world in.

How exactly does that keep you and your family safe?

Don’t blame it on one political class, it’s been going on forever, and you just play into their hands.

Ahh but who cares, most Americans buy the line so the agenda moves on. The reason there is a devious agenda is for “capitalist profits.” There’s nothing wrong with “capitalism” and there’s nothing wrong with “profits.” However, if it involves invading nations for those two things, then it’s a problem.

I mean come on my friends…

The United States has 750 military bases around the world. That defines the very word “imperialist.” It’s “extending a countries power and influence through military force.” Oh,h and don’t forget the “diplomacy” part either.

Now, before you write this all off, just relax for a moment.

Don’t feel like you need to take sides.

Just read and think about reality.

Think for yourself, be a Berean.

Sure, sure, another nations leader would certainly want to compel his enemies people to go against their government. Certainly, for good or bad, that’s what Lenin was doing.

Yet, consider the concept.

He had more to say.

“The American people, who set an example for the world in waging a revolutionary war against feudal slavery, now find themselves in the latest, capitalist stage of wage-slavery to a handful of multimillionaires, and find themselves playing the role of hired thugs who, for the benefit of wealthy scoundrels…”

Lenin spoke highly of Americans rebelling from the British.

However, in his time, Lenin saw that Americans had become “wage-slaves” to a “handful of multimillionaires.”

Has anything change?


Today, most of the American working class are wage-slaves to a “handful of billionaires.”

To a very large degree, most companies are actually owned by a handful of corporations, Americans work for those corporations. Then we have the flip side. In the former days, at least we had many merchants. Today, we only have a few, and we all buy our goods from them.

Namely, Walmart and Amazon.

All the Mom and Pop shops were put out of business years ago.

So what Lenin saw in his time was only a glimpse of what was to-be, and what is, today.

I’m quite sure in those days, American politicians said Lenin’s letter was propaganda.

Of course it was.

Anything can be called “propaganda” if it goes against your cause.

The fact of the matter is, the world changed, but did it change for the better?

I don’t know about that one.

Do you realize, in 1865, almost 60% of Americans still lived and worked on their own farms? By the time the early 1900s rolled around, only 40% of Americans still lived in rural areas. So our way of life changed, instead of working for yourself, we work for a few people who really call all the shots.

Now think about that really hard…

Everything you’re told from the media, education centers, the government, and so on is primarily designed to benefit a few at the expense of the many.

Look, if that were not true, the world would not be such a black hole.

I just see a world that has slowly shifted…

A world that used to be about real freedom, and the one that exists today, built on artificial freedom.

I mean you don’t even own your own house!

I can hear some already,

“I own my place free and clear, Brandon.”

No, you don’t.

Try not paying your property taxes, and then tell me how long that roof stays over your head.

All I’m trying to say is, the fix is in.

That leads me to another article I found this morning.

You’ll have to shift gears here…

Just the other day, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz addressed the European Union.

He said,

We are in a global battle against radical Islam, led by Iran and its proxies, targeting Israel, our Arab allies, and the broader free world, including Europe. Israel stands at the forefront of this fight.”


This is more propaganda.

The goal is to unite nations behind Israel, so Israel can get what Israel wants.

The rational Katz used is the same propaganda all imperialist nations prescribe to its faithful subjects, I mean citizens.

You know, I haven’t heard that term “radical Islam” in a while.

We only hear it when politicians want you to jump on their bandwagon.

I mean, call me crazy, but I could swear it was the United States and other Euro powers that invaded Arab lands for decades. I don’t know, my history could be wrong, but I swear the U.S. just left Afghanistan after being there for twenty years.

But hey, let’s not talk about that.

Let’s just talk about the radicals who are targeting poor Israel…

Are you starting to see where I’m going here?

“We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

Romans 8:36

Day by day, we’re led by the nose to follow someones agenda.

To better someone else, those handful of billionaires or politicians.

I have more to say…

Remember that Congresswoman a couple months back who said, “From the river to the sea?”

Holy smokes, everyone was outraged!


They were conditioned to be outraged.

We were told what horrors that phrase meant. That it meant the eradication of the Jewish people.

Well, look what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu just said,

“…in the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea.”

NBC News

Can you believe it?

You probably won’t hear much about that one.

Do you know why?

Confused religion, and Israel is America’s ally.

You can’t talk bad about your allies, no matter what they say.

So, instead, you just keep up with the narrative to expand American imperialism.

So why did I put this all together?

It’s election season.

On top of the daily brainwashing we get from the left, right, and in between… You’re going to get an extra dose. You’re going to be told how politicians will do this or that for little ol you, or how much they care about you. Why they’ll even rock your baby to sleep, if you just vote for them.

It’s bogus nonsense.

Just look back to Lenin’s letter, and tell me what changed for the better…

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