Human Composting Becomes Legal In Oregon

Oregon becomes the third state in the United States to legalize the composting of human bodies. Back in 2019, we reported on this when Washington became the first state.

Here’s the scoop on Oregon.

Oregon is one step closer to allowing people to turn their bodies into soil after they die. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed House Bill 2574 Tuesday. The bill will legalize what’s known as natural organic reduction, or what some refer to as human composting. The law goes into effect July 1, 2022.


That’s right, forget about the casket or urn for your loved one. Now they can be turned into organic material and planted in your garden at home!

“That’s been a really neat thing to see, people getting excited about that and saying, ‘You mean I can take that soil home and I can go ahead and go out to Vern’s garden in the backyard and I can make all his plants and his shrubs more gloriously gorgeous with this juicy goodness?’ And the answer is yes,” she said.  

Now, it’s easier than ever to remember ol Pa, because he is now part of your landscape.

Is anyone else disturbed by this idea, or disturbed by those who would come up with such an idea?

This is the green climate change religion moving in full force trying to make it sound like a good thing. In fact, it’s being billed as a “green” alternative to traditional burial practices.

Read this quote.

“This is Oregon! People love their parks, people love their trails, people love their nature, people love their composting and that idea that somebody can become a tree… I think that’s really thrilling for people to know that their remains can absolutely help the environment,” she said. 

That’s right, everyone composts in Oregon, and they all like the idea that someone can become… A tree.

Lord have mercy on us all.

I like how Evolution News covered this one.

Look. I am not against legalizing these means of disposition. But it strikes me that pouring our dead down sewers or turning them into a form of fertilizer tells us something about our view of human life and its meaning. Indeed, these methods send a powerful symbolic statement that we are essentially nothing more than carbon atoms gathered temporarily in a rational and animated form. Here today and gone tomorrow without so much as a trace to mark that we ever existed, or ultmimately, that it mattered.

At some point, why not, “Soylent Green is people!”? That would be the ultimate in enviromental body recycling.

Hyberbole aside, to say the least, this trend is not metaphysically neutral. It tells us something about the current state of our culture.

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